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Everything posted by fleshgear

  1. why would you use a contraption like this? what would be the difference if you just put the line into the existing filter tubing? why is it so big? does it have bio balls in it? what about putting the c02 line in the inlet pipe so the c02 goes through the filter?
  2. I think a betta and shrimp is a bad idea. I put the two together for about an hour once and the betta went after the shrimp quite aggresively. If you have at least 2 wpg I like pogostemom helfri. It stays fairly small and looks cool
  3. you also need "all of the above" for filter type
  4. the personality of this male is unlike any other betta i have seen. he always flares even when i walk up to the tank and when i put my finger on the glass. and with a female he really flares and likes to show off. i have never seen him bit the females only chasing them and circling. mean while in the other tank i have had a pair together for about a week and they are just swimming around looking at each other like they are saying now what? when i walk up to that tank they mostly just hide under the almond leaf or in the corner. he has an alright nest built but they wont seem to do anything. i turned the heat up a little to 80 degrees.
  5. i have put another female in a chimney in the tank with this guy again. i did a 50% water change with ro water before i added the female this time and added some black water expert. the peat bag is still in the tank along with a half of an almond leaf. he is already building a nest again. i will let her go Friday night. this time once they spawn i will remove both male and female this time. add some methylene blue and put a sponge filter in for circulation.
  6. so how can you be sure what you are getting? i am sure that the lfs ones are nothing special but some of the ones from the slide show looked like plakats
  7. were those all wild betta's in the presentation? what is the difference between wild and plakets? i ave one that looks just like one of the one in the pps.
  8. That is what I figured. So which part is the rhizome? The little bumps or the while root it self. Is the root simaller to a stem plant? Cut it and a new plant will grow? Or will a new plant only come from the little bumps?
  9. the upper part of the plant is good with at least 4" of the main root. But the roots were probably at least 12" long, and I don't mean the small white roots, I am not counting those ones. I am talking about the 1/4" thick roots. I will take a picture when I get home and post it. I have gotten crypts sent in the mail before and it is pretty much just 2" of the main root with no other smaller roots on it and they grow. I did plant the roots in one big bunch, pretty much the way they came I. Just seperated the plants from the roots. That sounds worse than it is. I guess I will see what happens
  10. will cryptocoryne wendtii grow from the roots? i just got some crypts from the auction and some of the thick 1/4 inch main roots broke off . if i replant this root will it grow a new plant? the roots are at least 2 inches or longer? i was trying to read about the plant, does it have rhizomes? they are undergravel and that is where the runners come from? it came in one big bunch. once i seperated them there was at least 50 plants or more. and a huge root system that kind of broke off it is about 4 inches in diameter and two inches thick with lots of rhizomes at least i think that is what they are. it looks like it was potted plant.
  11. with some, depending on the color of the fish i cant always see the bars. as long as they look plump and have the white spot she should be good to go.
  12. Yea I wouldn't mind getting some. I like the coppers and metalic colors.
  13. I am going to the ace auction. Do you have any other good ones? Any of the copper pk spawn you had?
  14. I may have to go and get another nice ct male. He is the only male that is not a pk that I have. And he looks good. I think next time I try I will remove both fish imediatly form the tank after spawn and put an air filter in and methylene blue in and see what happens. What about egg tumblers for betta's?
  15. I did use a bag of peat on the last spawn attempt. And an almond leaf. How long should I wait to spawn again?
  16. add the recommended salt dosage and then you only need to add salt to the water you change. the salt won't go away unless you change the water. i add the recommended salt to my planted tanks with no side effects
  17. the water temp was 76 it is a non adjustable heater a little lower than i thought it was. the last spawn it was 78 (different tank) my tap water ph is 7.8 there is insuforia in the tank (i can see them moving around) the water is very hard the tank is in the back room so there is very little traffic i put moon lights on at night for this last spawn because i noticed last time that in the day he would build a nest but then by morning it would not be as god as the night before. this time with the moon light the nest was just as good as it was the day before. i did feed them up untill the spawn happened and then still a little bit after. i have did not add salt with his spawn attempts on previous attempts with other fish a did add salt. i ran out a while ago and have not bought any since. the next time with this male i could try R/O water i have lots of really nice females but only a couple males
  18. The father ate all of the eggs again. At least the eggs lasted about 24 hours this time. So it is getting better. Do you think he will stop eatting the eggs? Or next time they breed I will just take him out right away and put some methylene blue in and hope for the best.
  19. i got this male to breed again with a different female a crowntail this time. and so far so good. i think he ate some eggs. there is still some in the nest so i will see what happens this time. i put some peat in this time as well as an almond leaf
  20. how about Philippine java fern the leaves are longer than regular java ferns they seem to grow just as good as regular java fern and widleov. also onion plants, i am not sure if there leaves will melt or not. i does with excell some times and have never had a problem with the onion plant.
  21. i did not see any, but they did have a lot of them. and i did not look at all of them
  22. what size is the sand? 1/8 inch? is there any where to get this in calgary? how much does this sand cost?
  23. so here is what i have so far. blue gravel, its what i had i would prefer black gravel or sand. fluval 404 filter which seems to be having flow issues i just replaced the circle thing that holds the impeller in. the tabs were broken off the old one but i think the impeller may need to be replaced as well. i pulled the filter off of a cycled tank and 70% of the water is from cycled tanks. none of the rocks or gravel was cycled. i hav done this many times and put fish in right away with no problems at all. no background yet. i added all of the large rocks that i had, and i figured the driftwood would provide lots of hiding spots. i have not added any java ferns yet and i was also thinking about some giant vals that are in another tank. i read that vals are in the lakes where the cichlids come from.
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