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Everything posted by KTK

  1. Im glad some one ask. I've also been wondering about a few of those.
  2. How well would crypts do in a brackish tank?
  3. Take a look on its underside and if there's a white dot between the front fins it a female. If there isn't a dot its male.
  4. Im growing all the plants they spoke of without Co2 and they are doing great. I am growing Val in a 90gal and it growing like crazy in the sand. As long as you have the right amount of light you should be fine. Adding Seachem Florish will helpa lot. The like their Iron. What Temp is the tank at??
  5. I saw one smash a 40gal once. I wouldn't recemend putting in big rocks with them. I've they slam big rocks into the side of the tank and take out the glass. Its funny when its not your tank.
  6. If they think they can fit it in their mouth they will try! I've seen one try and eat an arowana its own size. I told the guy not to do it but he did. What kind are they?
  7. Bummer. Thats the first I've heard of Prime doing that. How big is your tank?
  8. I just might have to do some thing like this. I was thinking about putting my right in the wall but this seems more practical.
  9. KTK


    I've used all of them and heres the break down. Eheim HAND DOWN has the best filter media. There substrat Pro had the most surface space for bacteria to grow and we all now the more benafical bacteria the healthier your tank will by. Its true that they have a slower flow rate but thats mainly to grow the benafical bacteria faster and more of it. With them having a slowe5r flow rate you can up the size of the filter with out blowing your fish out of the water. The professional 2's and WHY more user friendly then Renas. Renas are for the most part reliable and do have a faster flow rate if your looking for that. They dont come with all the media where all the other filters do. If you buy the Rena go with the Substrat Pro. I've had a few Renas leak on me for no reason and then stop and start work well again. ???? Marinelands are reliable and more user friendly then the Rena. Cascade filters are ok. No beef with them. I run Eheim for all my Canisters and their media in all my hang ons. THey are the Best.
  10. For the Filter floss it all depends on what you have in your tank. If theres a lot of plant matter, you have realy messy fish or you feed too much you are going to have to clean it a lot more often. I dont mess with mine much at all. When I see the flow starting to slow down thats when I do my cleaning.
  11. My self and friends have allways used Stability for our tanks with great success. I've resently had some one try and tell me SuperBac is better but haven't found and real comparisions on the net. From what I've read it work well but I want to know which works best. I would like to know other peoples oppinion and preference.
  12. What are you feeding your fish they look great!
  13. I think Wingin' It has the right idea for fish. The tanganyikans are nice and if your looking for smaller african cichlids they will probably be your best bet. A lot of the shell dwellers are nice and with a tanganyikan tank you can have a good variety of different shaped and coloured fish like calvus, leleupi, cyprichromi, brichardi, julidochromiss and so on. With Africans its best to have lots of hiding places for them.
  14. I like the giant danios, balas, and tinfoils. They are shiny and fast.
  15. So I got the OB's and I was a little disappointed. I knew they would be hybrids but some didn't even look like they had any Malawi Eyey Biters in them. I snaged 5 that had the most Eye Biter characteristics. I hope to breed them with my other Eye Biters and see what I can get.
  16. Im sitting with 6 Malawi Eye Biters (3 Albino, 3 regular with 3 OB on the way), 5 Neolamprologus leleupi (Fire Crackers), 2 Lepidiolamprologus Kendalii, 5 Black Calvus, and 1 Goldhead Compressicep.
  17. Would you recommend that for Tanganyikans also??
  18. KTK

    Joining the club

    I've been in the pet trade for many years and have had fish for about 7. My first tank was a 90gal then after it went on me twice the wife made my stay with a 20gal for the next 3 years. After starting my new job Im back into it full force.
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