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T Dawg

Calgary & Area Member
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Everything posted by T Dawg

  1. As I understand it the goal was to cut down on bumps and encourage people to stay longer and bid more. I know there were more than 3 bumps, but my summary sheet got lifted so I don't have access to the actual numbers.
  2. And some decor grab bags were thinned out and sold a few times. I had a few items I took what I want and put the rest on the 777 (Donation for Haiti) auction table. I think parts of one bag was sold 4 times. I recomened everyone goes, and if you are worried about spending too much leave your money at home! Some people are very into the auction and are realy realy realy into it, other are just there to see what is out there and to socialize. The auctioneers tend to have a lot of knowledge on fish and plants and give out info as they go so it's fun just to learn about stuff. They tend to bid on stuff too (I know the auctioneer from Edmonton won a few items).
  3. The GF though they all went for quite a bit, and did not end up with any either. The livestock was mostly a blure for me.
  4. Did you try for any of teh cories or other like catfish?
  5. In speaking with Len today, earlier is always better with volunteers, so if you can come around 8am there will be lots to do. And dave hasconfirmed he is getting nice fresh hotdog buns. Yummy.
  6. Do shrimp qualify for the BAP program?
  7. Saltwater setup presentation will be by Al Holm and guest are welcome.
  8. I guess I am the only one who occasionally forgets to unplugthem. When I do the Rena takes about 48 hours to settle down, the Fluval either goes back to normal in about 20 inutes or locks off. I alternate between 25% and 50% weekly water changes. It normally takes about 8-20 minutes for both to lock back at normal temp.
  9. T Dawg

    pleco caves

    I might try a pickle or peach jar in my tank and see if anyone uses it to play or sleep.
  10. We all know there will be great live stock, plant, and equipment. But I need to know. Will there be hotdogs?
  11. I had checked there first but did not see it. Sounds like a fun program.
  12. I'm sure if not you could talk someone into bringing you 6 tablespoons of salt to the next meeting.
  13. I was in an LFS today that had a shwack of them. I held off for now but they are available in Calgary.
  14. Selection (More options) Availability (LFS no stock) Price (Current exchange rates vs LFS exchange rates can be huge, we both pay S&H)
  15. Ahh, the benifit of the good tea!
  16. I think we need to skirt the line between a vendor review, and general discussion on wholesale vers retail pricing. If I talk about my auto trade in (I was paid $9,000 for and they listed for $16,000, took $12,00) and bash the industry markups or possible mistakes on my car as apposed to bashing a specific dealership. Of couse I thought I could get more privatly and could not be bothered, and they figured out what they needed to do with the price to get it moved. And I hear somefish stores make deals, and I'm sure BA gives fishclub members discounts...
  17. LMAO! I mean really, the nerve of them, and with all that free rent, free utilities, and staff that work there for free. $500 is certainly not a ridiculous price for a high end FH, Dennis at Golds told me that he turned down 2K for one of his display FH's. Not saying that the one at BA's is a show specimen, but in the grand scheme of things $500 is not exactly big money for some of the premium FH's out there. I guess all I can say is never, ever, buy an HDMI cable if large markup is a bad thing (my last one was $6...), and don't get me started on bike markups. Or food...
  18. Horned Nerite Snails are tidal and can take a lot of salt. I'll pretend there is nothing else in the tank. You want to add salt during a water change. Mix the salt in the new water first, then add the salted water to the tank. The good news is brackish is a range as apposed to an exact number. Basically 2 table spoons of marine salt (not aquarium or table salt) should be a safe add, but if that doesn't help you can take it much higher for the next batch. A hydrometer is a needed investment if you want to play with brackish of salt water. Here is an article on brackish conditions http://badmanstropicalfish.com/brackish/brackish.html that is kind enough to talk teaspoon. This article on your snails http://www.wetwebmedia.com/ca/volume_4/V4I2/Brackish%20Systems/brackish.htm covers habitat. Here is a general article on brackish snails http://homepage.mac.com/nmonks/Projects/FAQ/8b.html Goodluck with the breeding.
  19. Sounds like you got a dud. Mine holds exect temp from the moment it is on, flashing if out of limit. The only issue I have had is if I drain the tank and foget to unplug it, but pulling the plug and sticking it back in resets it.
  20. Anyone what to confirm the rumor the next meeting will have a presentation on how to setup a salt water tank?
  21. Business making profit, that's just criminal?
  22. Some complain if you trim or they breakup they get in the gravel and nooks then keep growing much like hair algae.
  23. One of the things I like about being a member of the local fishclub, it seems to be a somewhat reliable way to meet up with people to do product exchanges. I spent a few too many times waiting in McDonals parking lots for people who never came. I wonder if there will be balls at the auction.
  24. You will see a temp drop and will see more tempature veriation if you place the heater in a PVC pipe. For example when I added the sheild to my Fluval 300w it's heat output dropped about 2c. The Rena I have does get quite warm to the touch. The Fluval with the guard does not get that warm (and the curent ones come with the sheild).
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