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Everything posted by vince0

  1. sweet thank you very much
  2. I was reading in the TFH November edition that takashi amano is using dark green bio degradable sowing thread for tying down moss to wood. Anyone know where i buy this stuff?
  3. hmm good to know, they haven't spawned for me recently, and i've given up on them currently... they will be moved to a 20 long in the near future so that I can concentrate on them more.
  4. thats awesome! Im glad that you got them to hatch! Can I call dibs on some of the babies once they grow? lol
  5. now thats a topic i want to hear about! and im totally winning that unit...
  6. from what i've seen online, the blacks don't get as much of a blue sheen as the rest. I got them for the rusty/green sheen you see above with a hint of blue.
  7. yeah that could be pretty stressfull lol
  8. here you go Dan! They have had time to settle in now and they are really starting to show their colors (other than black lol)
  9. It might be, if I took myself seriously. It's all part of the journey. relearning what is forgotten, then learning new, then forgetting that to alzheimers, and learning it all over again! Greatest part about being as old as I am, i wake up to a woman I can't remember meeting, every day! :smokey: lol, "old-timers" strikes again
  10. only one way to find out! start with " wild caughts" or feeders as they are also known in the hobby and work up to the fancy inbread stuff lol but seriously congrats on the spawn, it must be hard to have so many tanks and so little success... patience is once again key lol
  11. thats not really good news... maybe its time to go back to the basics... guppies sounds about right :P
  12. So I came home tonight, and whadayaknow? The eggs have hatched... The parents made a "bowl" in the gravel and moved the fry from the leaf to this area. Here's a pic of the parents, you can barely see the tiny fry on the gravel. Also included is a picture of the fry, they are the orange dots on top of the gravel.
  13. As promised, here are the pics of the eggs with either mom or dad. Thanks for watching!
  14. Congradulations on the fry! Can I interest you in posting pictures for my (and others') viewing enjoyment?
  15. Well it looks like I got my first spawn out of these guys last night. Ill post pictures tonight when I get home if the eggs are still there. They were still there this morning which is always a good sign.
  16. You could tuen off the filter for day. Thisll let the dust settle to the bottom so that you can easily syphon it out
  17. I agree with you Dan, these just perked my interest a little more into the bettas. I may just have to start considering breeding them in the next year or two
  18. lol, im not too big into betas, there yours Dan lol
  19. im not sure to be honest with you, its the first time im dealing with this strain
  20. I thirds on the pictures! And we live in a democratic society, so therefor you must now provide us with pictures :P
  21. Another fish i picked up this week from Fairdeal were these smoky pinoy angelfish, and the pictures i took offer no justice to these fish. Im almost tempted to get photography lessons so my pictures are closer to what the human eye sees because they are just spectacular!
  22. I picked up some WC Blue Acara from fairdeal this week and I have to say these are some of the best looking blue acaras I have seen in a long long time. So I thought i'd post some pictures. These fish are approximately 2.5" at the moment and are starting to color up. Another big thank you to fairdeal for these beauties.
  23. that makes me wish i lived in edmonton!
  24. yeah i know ha ha, i really should have cleaned the glass, but i just got so excited over taking pictures. Maybe tomorrow will bring another picture session with some cleaner glass
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