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Central Alberta Member
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Everything posted by Kim

  1. Well water changes are always a good step anyway with pond fish. Hope your friend doesn't have any water problems. Let us know how things turn out.
  2. I hear about this all the time. Every fall it happens when fish are brought in from the pond. Usually there is nothing wrong with the water quality either. I believe it could have something to do with lighting changes but I could be completely wrong.
  3. jvision - What is so wrong about Piranah Man's black piranah's tank mates?
  4. Do you have a larger tank to move your frontosas too? And parrot fish aren't African cichlids.
  5. Kim


    Maybe a little more than 3! for working with you all that time!! HAHA
  6. Very nice setup. I like the stand
  7. Kim


    Thanks Lisa I appreciate that one!!
  8. I really like your tank setup. Good Job
  9. Kim


    My turtle should be fine in the tank he is in, I might need to upgrade but it depends on how big he grows. The max size as far as I know it only 9" (for a female) and 8" (for a male). But that 125 gallon sure was nice. I dont want a wall tank for my turtle but for fish.
  10. Kim


    Well this is the first turtle I have ever taken care of, but he seems happy. :smokey: he can run pretty quick (for a turtle). I knew I would never be able to afford a nice tank (well that nice). Hmm I might have to get some more turtles into Petland, but I know it wont be for a while. We are right full.
  11. Kim


    I know he has lots of room, sometimes I even wonder if he even knows where everything is yet, since I usually find him in 2 different spots. He may be a little lost at times. Rob- and how is my day buddy settling in?
  12. Kim


    I want a buddy for him. But then I have a couple problems. First I dont know how to sex them properly (only what the internet told me) or even if you can at the size he is, and I would need to get the other one sexed before I bought it too. Second, to find another one of the same kind. Rob- and how much would that tank cost me??
  13. Kim


    I prefer the turtle. However, I would like to get a large fish tank (bigger than my sad tank at the moment). I want to get one in the wall that is shared between rooms (big dreams, doubt I will ever be able to afford it).
  14. Kim


    Here is my new baby ornate wood turtle in his 65 gallon tank. Turtle Tank
  15. I am sure that Lisa will be happy to know that they have settled in. Her apple snail seems to be happy in there.
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