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Everything posted by Jaykit

  1. Great looking shots! :thumbs:
  2. And happy birthday to you as well. I was hoping to beat you to it but your too quick for me.

  3. -roll- I'm going to have to try this.I've cleaned my tanks with plain bleach and a dish scrubber.
  4. Oh yes, i'm always trimming and pruning but i'm no where near edmonton so that could be a problem.
  5. Great looking start. My suggestion is instead of lots of rockwork, get a couple different nice long stem plants and plant them in kind of a line/grouping along the back wall. It will give you a nice background and add some depth to the apperance, make your fish more comfortable with all the hiding spots, and also work great with your co2 set-up.
  6. Great looking angels. Should be really nice once they grow up.
  7. Planted shrimp tank! So what i would do :thumbs: Plus maybe a few small tetras or something.
  8. Best part of the planted tank is the fork hands down. :smokey: Great shots. :thumbs:
  9. Basically anything that fits into their mouth will end up in their mouth. So with your guppies and danios once the BGK gets bigger you could see your numbers dwindle. It is very peaceful and keeps to its own area for the most part otherwise. Growth rate is normal i guess. I have had a couple over the years and in my 55g, one of them grew from 3" to 7"+ in about less than a year. Great fish and so much fun to watch them eat and swim around the tank. Highly recommend them of course with the proper tank mates.
  10. I believe its the scientific grouping of cichlids. A quick search got me this: Neolamprologus http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neolamprologus "all but one species occurring in Lake Tanganyika" Lamprologus http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lamprologus "a riverine cichlid from Eastern Africa"
  11. Either of the pictured tanks very interesting designs! :thumbs: Although as one member posted, the drop down L-shaped tank could get interesting to maintain should something happen in that lower section.
  12. I've thought about a L-shaped tank before too but the one thing that concerned me the most was the loss of sight into the corner, especially if you have a joint in that frount area. Even if you have a 45 on that corner too that would mean you would have 2 joints making sight into the corner that more difficult. You would always have to be looking at an angle into the tank to see into that corner. With your area 1.5' x 1.5' that could potentially hold alot of interesting activity that you may miss. This is just my thought process that i went through on it, but i could be totally wrong.
  13. Great set of pictures. Love your rams!
  14. :thumbs: Great looking tanks! I wish I had that many big tanks. Definetly want to see them once they are all stocked up.
  15. Run a fine filter pad in your filter and it will help, make sure to clean the pad often as it will fill up fast. Mostly its just patients and giving it some time to settle and filter through.
  16. Great looking acaras. Howard has some great stock.
  17. Great looking angels! Excited to see them as adults.
  18. Try swapping the 2 prong plug over and replug it in or unplug it and spin the wheel in the right direction then replug in. Thats what worked with mine.
  19. Sure is hard to see through all those water spots :smokey: but i must say good looking angel.
  20. Beautiful shots! Where abouts were they taken?
  21. Great looking little set-up :thumbs: Auctions are so much fun.
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