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angel al

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Everything posted by angel al

  1. They buy their philippine blues from me for the most part but they have brought them in on occasion from other sources. I also sell them some red koi angels as well.
  2. I raised those blue marbles that Aquarium Central & Harold have right now. I'm glad everyone is enjoying them. There's more special stuff waitng in the wings.
  3. Salt will wash out. Check for scratches, verify it's not leaking & that filters & heaters are in working order. If lights are included test them as well. If there is a stand check it for water damage especially if it's got any partical board in it that's showing signs of swelling.
  4. You're bang on with the age of those angels Jay.
  5. I believe it's a combination of less bacteria & cleaner tanks.
  6. It's a personal choice. I run with bare bottoms because they're easier to keep clean & my hatch rate on eggs is far better.
  7. It could be new tank jitters or he could be an egg eater. Because they have protected eggs previously I would say it's probably just their nerves & a new tank. Time will tell, it may take a few spawns for them to get it right.
  8. Yes it works.I use the 3% solution & that seems to be what most drug stores sell.
  9. I haven't had an issue with the bio being effected but all my tanks are on a continous drip system.It will kill shrimp & algea though.
  10. Use the hydrogen peroxide at the dose I suggested & you'll have better luck I think.
  11. I suspect this is a water quality issue which requires an anti fungal to solve, you also may have a young or inexperienced male that needs more practice but they'll eventually get it right. A clean bare bottom tank with regular water changes works best to accomplish this. After they lay, add your anti fungal & let nature take it's course.
  12. If they're dime sized & eating flake food they're ready to go. Before you sell them, cull anything with short gill plates or any other deformities. I cull them as I find deformities as fish that are deformed become a waste of tank space & are not marketable to retailers or other hobbyists. I'm assuming from your pictures that you shut your aeration off to take pictures. With as many fry as you have in your tank, vigorous aeration is important. If you don't have sufficent aeration this could be why you are suffering dead loss. It could be a number of other things such as water quality or a bacterial infection. The tank looks crowded so splitting them into another tank to relieve over crowding them may be a good idea until you get them sold.
  13. Those didn't come from a pet store.
  14. I use a fresh one in morning for 2 feedings & a fresh one for an afternoon & evening feeding so I have 3 to 4 going all the time.
  15. You are probably losing fry after your brine shrimp culture is older than 36 hrs. I don't use a culture after that because I ran into a similar problem. Your fry look good.
  16. Methylene Blue is different than the ick formulas. If you cant find any in Edmonton you can use 3% hydrogen peroxide, 1ml per gallon every 12hrs for a day & a half after the eggs are layed. You can buy it at Walmart & it's cheap & effective. It won't color the water either. Just don't use it if there are shrimp in the tank.
  17. Depending on how many there is, a 33 gallon minimum, a 40 gallon plus would be better though.
  18. Have you thought about what you're going to do when these guys out grow the tank they're in 10 days or so from now?
  19. If your fry are free swimming today they need to be fed today. 2 to 3 feedings a day is good. I space my feeding about 6 hours apart & I rinse the brine shrimp with fresh water before feeding. Small water changes daily are your best bet. Make sure you remove any left over food from the bottom of the tank from the previous feeding before each new feeding. You're on the right track with the airline & hanger wire for removing the waste & left over feed. I don't add methylene blue at this stage but that's a personal choice. Good luck you made it through the hardest part. I wouldn't add snails or plecos until the fry are pea size.
  20. Yes it's normal, sometimes they stop but if you have a male that continues after 4 or 5 spawns get a different male. They should spawn every 8 to 10 days on average.
  21. Methylene Blue is a good choice as an anti fungal. I buy mine off of Ken's Fish online. I couldn't find it at any of the LFS so I buy it online. If you're stuck you can use 3% hydrogen peroxide. Use 1 ml per gallon & re dose every 12 hrs. till they hatch. Don't ever use it if you have shrimp in the tank as it's fatal to them.
  22. Metronidazole is the medication I would try first.
  23. If it's a bare bottom tank don't change anything, your work is done until they start to free swim except for adding anti fungal every second day. Kick back, watch & enjoy.
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