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Edmonton & Area Member
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Everything posted by Catmandu

  1. I've always found that an air driven spounge filter the best, don't forget that a well aged spounge filter will have a lot of microscopic animal life in it that the smaller fry can feed on particulary if you had it in a planted tank before moving it to the fry tank
  2. I had something like this happen to me before,the particles were to small to filter out what finally worked for me was a floculant that they sell in pet stores it makes the small particles stick together so that they can be filtered out.I'm sorry I cant remember the product name but it came in drops in a small green plastic bottle.You will have to keep an eye on your filters as the plug fast when you put this in.
  3. The white mites you have might be springtails,there annoying but wont hurt anything and the only way to get rid of them is by starting a new culture after washing the worms, the springtails float so they're easy to seperate out.The white worms you see are probibly young redworms they look like whiteworms when they're young.Good luck
  4. belive it or not Canadian Tire sells CPVC pipe and fittings up to about 1" good luck Eugene
  5. I've used Weld-On as well,I get it from Johnston Plastics in Edmonton. I think they have it in really thin [Weld-On2]to really thick[Weld-On6] which fills very well
  6. I did a lot of searching when I looked for mine and the best deal available at that time was from an outfit in Edmonton here called E.M.S it stands for Electric Motor Service but they also have a division on 99Th street and 51st ave. that handles Jacuzzis and water filters.
  7. Great video congratulations,I hope you offer that video to Planet Catfish, I'm sure they would post it for all catfish lovers of the world to see.
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