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Everything posted by JLake

  1. Yeah listen to your gf! I'd add the bubble wall as well! Plus Cate knows wht she tlking about
  2. take the pleco out and look at the white spot with a magnifying glass that should give u a better look to see if its a parasite.
  3. Thanks for your help. There isn't much algae just some stuff that is hard to scrape off! I think she ate some worm last night. Maybe ill move the pleco.the breathing seems a lil rapid but the same as the other. My gf got up with the baby at 4am and said they were both up and splashing around at night. So that makes me feel better. I have been doing large wcs since I noticed she sropped eating. I'm just trying to get the hang of this ray habit. I wish I knew that retics weren't as hardy as say motoros! Oh well I love my rays and hope they aren't going anywhere!
  4. Its a LDA062 I think. Orange spotted pleco. There is not enough sand in the tank for it to even cover itself. I suction out the poops nightly. And do like 40 to 50 percent weekly and what amounts to be 5 gallons daily. No other tankmates and no marks on the ray. The pleco seems to be quite intimadated by the rays. I gave the pleco a lil tube and that's where it stays if the rays are moving. How long can they go without eating? She still has a nice hump which is strange bc she hasn't been eating.
  5. Its a LDA062 I think. Orange spotted pleco. There is not enough sand in the tank for it to even cover itself. I suction out the poops nightly. And do like 40 to 50 percent weekly and what amounts to be 5 gallons daily. No other tankmates and no marks on the ray. The pleco seems to be quite intimadated by the rays. I gave the pleco a lil tube and that's where it stays if the rays are moving. How long can they go without eating? She still has a nice hump which is strange bc she hasn't been eating.
  6. One of my retic pups has stopped eating! I think she has had only one section of worm in the last 24 hours when she usually eats 10 sections of worms. She is usually so busy in the tank, she is always topping the male. But now she is just hiding in the corner behind a sponge filter. She doesn't move too often. I tested the water and it came up good with 0 amm 0 nitrite and between 10 20 ppm of nitrate! What can I do to save her? Is it the worm only diet hurting her? She won't eat anything else. Temp is 81F. I recently added a wc pleco to the tank just to clean some algae for me. Could this be the problem? What's the ideal amount of nitrate ppm in a ray tank? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Pms would be best. Thank you.
  7. I don't think too many ppl here have their tanks cleaned by pros. If they do they have too much money. And ifs that's the case than they should give me some. Haha
  8. Im no expert but it sounds like a internal problem, like parasites or worms. Which can lead to many other problems when your fish is weakened. But be aware that poor water quality can also weaken the fishies immune system.
  9. JLake


    haha yup your gonna need a donor!
  10. HAve you seen a acrylic tank before? Super clear!
  11. You need hired help! HAha I would love to help you if I lived in cgy still! Must be a labour of love Harold.
  12. Hahah yeah Allan the Pats won so I was happy. I left with a big bag of plecos from Harold so I wasnt shut out. I thought the auction looked huge! I havent been to that many, but it seemed bustling! Maybe ACE should move the venue if the turnouts are that large! Or maybe throw 3 auctions a year? I wonder if it was the most succesful auction for ACE yet? Great job ACE :smokey:
  13. I was only there for a few mins, but it was very busy! The parking was nuts!(not that bad only a 30 second walk) Alot of good times were being had. Seen alot of plants but I arrived very late. I really wanted to buy the trio of meelis that I seen there. I was in too much of a rush. Cant stop thinking about those meeli Did anyone here buy them?
  14. Congrats on the free swimmers! Looks like fun times :thumbs:
  15. get a pair of compressiceps or calvus to add to the cichlids
  16. JLake

    hello all

    welcome :welcome:
  17. Agreed no tawaine reef there! There are a lot of cichlids out there and ive seen quite a few of them. But none of these! Probable hybrids!
  18. Welcome! Yes pics are a must around here. Show off your impressive collection! :welcome:
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