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Everything posted by nanmer

  1. Very nice fish! All the evidence suggests that they are unable breed but if there is a will there is a way lol. You never know!
  2. I assumed they were mating and later there was an empty shell. I have had them for a month without any deaths. This is my shrimp tank and I monitor it quite closely.
  3. Dear Assassin Snails, Please stop eating each other. There are a bazillion rams horn snails in the tank you can eat so stop munching on your fellow species. Thank you, The Management.
  4. nanmer

    Hello All

    Welcome! Lots of info to find here.
  5. Very nice! Glad your shrimps find it "inspiring" and further populate the tank!
  6. I have golden mountain minnows in my planted tank. They don't bother the shrimp at all and are quite pretty fish. They tend to school quite nice. I just purchased some rummy nose and really like them too.
  7. I often have aphids on my duckweed and frogbit, I leave my doors open and things get in lol. They appear as black things on the plants. I clear out most of the duckweed, turn my frogbit upside down, and right side up and agitate the plants, a few days in a row. My cichlids love it when I have to clear out my aphid laden duckweed!
  8. Amazing pictures! I have an extra cory that showed up in my planted tank. The babies must grow fast.
  9. Congrats! It is always great to see new life.
  10. I turn off my filtration when I feed white worms. It only takes the fish a few minutes and the fish clean them up! Cultures are kept by quite a few members, maybe someone in Edmonton has a starter to sell? They are very easy to raise.
  11. I live in the SW, Woodlands. Where are you located, maybe we can meet somewhere?


  12. My zebra danio are breeding in my planted tank. One thing I feed them, that i have been told is a fish aphrodisiac, is white worms. They also spend a lot of time in the naja grass, this is where I have seen the babies. I plan on eventually getting other danio species once I upgrade the size of my planted tank.
  13. nanmer


    welcome to the site!
  14. I recently had the privilege of spending about 10 minutes with a wild seahorse in Cuba. I always thought they were beautiful but seeing them in the wild is truly amazing!
  15. Sounds nasty! Hope you get it cleared up soon. Is it causing any problems with the fish/plants?
  16. Planting a 135 gallon would be so awesome! With all that room the possibilities are endless! I have a 110 gallon long and have plans to turn it into a planted angel tank, beautiful fish and beautiful plants! I imagine the biggest expense will be the co2 system.
  17. LOL I noticed my ottos were eating the stuff like crazy! None of the fish seem to be in distress. I know that not much of the DIY yeast got into the tank, must not take a lot!
  18. No I have not, they are all swimming well. I don't have a quarantine tank but will do another water change later today. I put a filter with aged media on it, hopefully it will help.
  19. Thanks Iceturf. I have upped the filtration and did a major water change. Quite a nice current now, the frogbit is spinning LOL.
  20. Already on it, thanks Cate!
  21. I need a bit of help! My tank has this weird coat of white growing all over the substraight and some of the plants. I noticed my cannister filter was not working yesterday and I cleaned it up. It was full of kind of a clear slime. Today there is a coat of white spider web like mat growing all over the bottom. I am not sure if the cause was my DIY bottle fell on it's side and a bit of the yeast mixture did get sucked into the tank. Any help with cleaning up this nasty stuff would be appreciated!
  22. It may help to put a HOB filter with some used media. You mentioned that you have other tanks, grab some used media from them. This will speed up the cycle.
  23. I have been planning a cement background too. What type of sealer do you need, there are several? Do you need to condition the cement to get rid of the leaching and does the sealer prevent this?
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