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Everything posted by rompergoddess

  1. I've had two large chunks of amythest crystals in my tank for over a year, and the snails love it (crawl all over it), as do the cories! And, it looks really quite pretty when the light hits it just right LOL
  2. Hey! I finally got some cories that are laying eggs all over my tank. Any advice on what to do next? Am very excited!!!
  3. the last one is definately the best IMO! can't wait to see it all put together!
  4. Congrats on your newest baby!!! He is gorgeous!
  5. Just made first batch of snello, will see how I did, when it sets up in about an hour! I used the cuttlebone ground up as a calcium source, (which I found in the Dollarama pet section for a dollar!) with frozen brine shrimp, peas, carrots and fry food, all ground up, with whole peas for that extra treat! Hope my fishes and snails love it! Thanks, Bettafishmommy, for the help
  6. Thanks Jason, appreciate the help! should I be doing anything in the way of special substrate, etc.? I am reading up on it but there are so many conflicting ideas on the internet, that it boggles the mind.
  7. That's what i was thinking too, to remove the lead weight, and better safe than sorry! Thanks for all your input. I will have to try and find long tweezers to make it easier to plant all those little stems,as the "two hands in tank with the lid off" method really isn't working for me! LOL . So for now, they are all floating plants LOL
  8. does anyone know if these metal "Clips"/heavy bars wrapped around the plant stems at the bottom are supposed to stay on the plants, or removed before placing in the tank/ I know it may be a stupid question, but not sure about it , so I ask... Thanks, Rompergoddess
  9. I am currently breeding Green Swordtails! Mom is just dropping fry at the moment, so we will see how many survive the night and day tomorrow until I get home from work and am able to put them in the grow out tank
  10. Thanks for the information! Wish you had some shellkids too! LOL Thought that blue in the pic was amazing, so... off I go on the hunt! LOL
  11. thank you for the information, it helps alot to be able to talk to a knowledgeable person about this , as I have been researching on the net, but it has some very confusing information that seems to contradict each other! will pm you thanks again!
  12. hello again! well, I think I have found something aquatic to be passionate about, again!!! Ramshorn Snails, the big guys, not the little ones, and apple snails in general. Saw a pic of a beautilful Blue apple snail, want one!!! Does anybody out there know where I might get some Ramshorns, and possible a blue apple snail? Also, can these two cross breed? I know that one lays above the water, and one lays eggs below, but my apple sure is trying to make "happy" with my ramshorn. I understand that they are of the same "breed", but am confused about the behaviour I am seeing. Any advice, or help would be greatly appreciated. I was down at Big Al's, last week, and I paid six dollars for one little snail! Couldn't believe it. Is this a fair price, or is it too much for a ramshorn? Also saw lots of what I thought were mts all over the aquariums, asked about it and was told they were pest snails, and no i couldn't have any. Anyhow, any advice or information sure would be appreciated. Thank you!
  13. hello! I have a somewhat odd question, has anyone ever grown triops in thier community tank? does anyone have any information on these little guys? Would appreciate any and all help. thanks
  14. thank you very much! Would love some little ones They were only 12$. I hadn't planned on buying them but they came up at the end and there wasn't much interest so I bid and won. They are gorgeous! I'll let you know when I get babies.
  15. Congratulations on your purchase of the swords! I had hoped to bid on them myself, but we had to leave before they were up! I had never seen a pair so large and colorful before. If they have babies, would you be willing to part with a few? Haven't seen swords since I was a kid LOL! by the by, how much did they go for? Had $15 set aside for them LOL
  16. rompergoddess


    Hello, to all of you on Alberta Aquatica, I am a new member, and this site was recommended to me by Bryancatfish, as a very excellent source of knowledgable people, who've been there and done that. I currently have three tanks, two ten gallon, and one twenty gallon. I have recently acquired a very fat bronze cory, and a rubber lip pleco. They are together in a ten gallon, with no other fish. My twenty gallon tank has numerous fancy guppies, (and now I get the "Millions Fish" reference! LOL) and three black skirt tetras, and one very crazy yo-yo bochia. I hope to be able to find some nice playmates for my cory, and rubber lip too. Well, anyhow, I look forward to talking to you all, as time permits, and questions arise!
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