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Everything posted by AvianAquatics

  1. Yep same here, getting some in next week as well
  2. I hope he makes it through as well How'd he get stuck under it in the 1st place?
  3. No way o.O where Huh? From whom are you getting the Blue Tigers from?
  4. Lol people I think time for a group order...?
  5. Yeah I know. Really out of all the shrimps that I keep I only really like Blue Tigers, Tigers, and snowballs. Once I get Blue Tigers, I think it'd be bye bye other shrimp :/ I wonder if anyone else would order them?
  6. Soooooooooo what are the chances of getting them in Canada Only time I've ever seen them was at Big Al's in Edmonton, even though they were sold for $30 bucks each I'm regretting not buying them, but really had no room. Any chance they'd order them in Calgary? Also they are suppose to be easier to keep and breed then Crystals Reds? I've failed 3 times with CRS and never really liked them anyways, but I blame it on that one tank, cause I know its cursed lol.
  7. Nice! It'd be so nice if neglecting = shrimp breeding but its more like 100% destruction. You guys get all the breeding luck :/
  8. Beautiful rams! I hope they breed for you
  9. Yep harmless little creatures, excellent fish food for small/baby fish
  10. Wow a month. Once I bought a turtle for $1 in a flea market it china, didn't even survive the way home. Horrible.
  11. Nice frys, you've got more fish luck than me 8D the only fish I've managed to breed were only the livebearers :/
  12. Wow I am loving that pH, u could breed lots of fish in it
  13. Interesting, but be careful if you want them to cross breeding because the shrimps then are not pure Cherries. I once accidentally got a Blue shrimp to breed with my Cherries and with just 1 or 2 shrimplets my whole line now always gives off a few odd colored shrimp (reddish, bluish, and purplish) its really frustrating because I don't like mixes.
  14. Nice What is the pH and do I see a Puffer and Guppy together
  15. U Edmonton people are so luck, so many good LFS while we don't have a lot here in Calgary
  16. Its hard to get rid of them completely but you could get their numbers down significantly by doing this (read Best Answer): http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20090621183542AAA9pEC But make sure to BOIL the lettuce to soften it so you can get more snails out. You can then always give/sell the snails away to pufferfish keepers as the puffers need to trim their teeth (I bet it also tastes good to them)
  17. I treat my shrimps like Kings and Queens - they have a feeding schedual and can practically eat the same food every 2 weeks So they NEVER bother to touch anything else, they're just there for decoration lol.
  18. Agreed. Shouldn't rinse them with tap water because it kills the beneficial bacterias, just a rinse in tank water is the best method.
  19. Nice fish btw, the blue on him is just amazing!
  20. I loved that wine glass with Glad top, cool and creative idea. I bought a filter and plants, and a few were the ones that I had but died out. I really shouldn't have neglected my tanks for 1/2 a year, really regretting it now
  21. Those guys look adorable! Keep us updated
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