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Everything posted by DragonNeko

  1. Since they love to dig in the sand, plants can be hard to keep with them. Attaching plants like java fern and various mosses to rocks, wood, and caves work well. I think it also depends on the fish. My Kribs are in a heavily planted tank, and they seem to leave everything alone. My Shell Dwellers will uproot any plants I try to put in their tank, so theirs is pretty plain. In my Apisto tank I have some vals floating on the surface, and a few pygmy chain swords and dwarf hair grass, but they're being uprooted so I'll have to try attaching some plants to their coconut cave instead.
  2. Welcome to the site! Lot's of friendly and knowledgeable members here
  3. Very nice! I look forward to seeing the end result!
  4. Whenever I get Calamanus worms...on my third time now lol Though this time I'm not getting frustrated with it. That's probably because my pair of Kribs have a about 30 fry that are swimming around the tank with them. I'm working on setting up more tanks. Breeding different fish and seeing the adorable fry is what keeps me interested in fish. Sharing interest in a hobby with friends and family also helps. That and I have a zoo in my house; 2 dogs, 1 cat, 2 gerbils, 1 guinea pig, 8 fish tanks with various stuff...and I'm considering adding some frogs to the mix lol So, I keep busy! I also got back into my much loved hobby of art, so I've been too uppity to be brought down by tank disasters
  5. I'm not sure exactly what species of Oto it is that's commonly found around here, but if you get some I would suggest getting 3+. No idea if they'll eat the white stuff, just know they're good cleaners. There are also many other pleco species that stay small and are inexpensive
  6. What type of lights are you using, and for how long are they on? Aside from lighting, it could be that they're lacking an essential nutrient. Not sure which though. I'm not sure if I'm being very helpful...not really giving any solutions, sorry. My vals pretty much die in all my tanks but my 55g. They're taking up 1/4-1/3 of the 55g right now...not really sure what that tank has going for it aside from a good light.
  7. Try some plastic sticks with a weight attached to the bottom of it and somehow secure the sticks to the background? It would take up less space than a piece of slate.
  8. Is there a lip at the bottom of the background? If so, you could try attaching some rocks to the lip to hold it down. Could try attaching some slate to the back of the background to give the body of it more stability. Aside from that, taking it down as The_Little_One suggested is the only solution I can think of.
  9. Welcome to AA! and congrats on the impending wedding!
  10. Welcome to the site, and Edmonton!
  11. Sorry to hear! My Kribs recent batch suddenly disappeared too...I'm blaming my Bristlenose. I was thinking of blaming the Tetras, cause that would explain why they're so beaten up. They usually stay away from the kribs, but I think they've been getting brave/stupid. I did catch 3 of the recent fry earlier and move them to my fry tank where 4 from another batch are growing up nicely. Do you have anything else in the tank? Also, the parents themselves might have eaten them if it's their first batch. Can take them a few tries to get it right.
  12. DragonNeko


    Welcome to the site!
  13. Congrats on the fry! I don't worry too much about feeding my Krib fry. They scavenge with their parents pretty well. I've got some moss growing on wood, which they like to pick at. I also put in algae wafers at night for the plecos, and I think the fry nibble on what's left over in the sand.
  14. I've had dragonfly larvae, nasty little things. Had 3 in my shrimp tank and they did some damage to my shrimp numbers. Part of the reason why I took a break from keeping shrimp, was just disheartened by the whole thing. It's possible that the fish have figured out that when an adult molt's, they're easy picking. Much easier for smaller fish to gang up on a freshly molted shrimp than try to peck at one with a harder exterior. Also, if a shrimp just dies, then the fish will go after that too. Shrimp will feel safer in larger numbers (I think), so that may be why they're not bothering to hide. As long as the shrimp don't go rapidly down in numbers, then losing a few is pretty normal when there are fish in the tank with them.
  15. Ouch, sorry to hear that. It is sweet that he wanted to clean them for you. Setting up his own tank is a great idea. He could learn the right way to clean a tank, and help you clean yours. I bet he'd be grinning at the thought of helping his daddy. My daughter (4) has tried helping with my tanks. Luckily nothing too bad, but she did destroy her 3g I set up for her. She must have put a good handful of algae wafers in it. I had the light off cause of an outbreak of algae...so I didn't notice until the smell of ammonia was wafting through the house. She now knows to not feed the tanks without mommy's help. She hasn't asked to feed the fish since then, but has been helping with water changes, which she's super proud of
  16. Glad that they didn't all die off. I'll buy one for sure. After thinking about it, it would be great for my shell dweller tank, since they uproot everything, but I think a tree would be a bit hard for them to uproot. I'd love to see them swimming around the roots with the shells at the bottom. Though with how slow they grow, that'd be a few years lol Oh well, at least I won't have to rush to build the custom tank
  17. How long would they be okay in a 5g tank? I could buy one next time I'm over. I didn't realized what you had was more than you were planning to keep. I have such a nice idea for a custom made tank to feature the tree. Think it would be okay to be moved a few times til I can build the tank? I have no idea how quickly they grow.
  18. Welcome to AA! That's an impressive list!
  19. Welcome to the site! Kribs and Apistos, I like your choices!
  20. Water changes. Clean water does wonders. I've gotten rid of fungal problems just by doing extra water changes and raising the temp for a few days.
  21. I would happily take a handful, but Red Deer is a little far to drive for me on my own. You could mail me some if you want No idea about the pea puffers. Have no experience with them. Only good source to get them that I can think of is Aquarium Central...I think they have puffers...or I could be imagining things. I honestly can't remember.
  22. There's a community event/fundraiser for my daughter's school this Saturday. I was wondering if it would be okay to post a link to the flyer in the water cooler and let people know. Would this be considered advertising that's not aloud on the forum?
  23. It's been close to a year for me. Think it was July or August last year that I got the worms the second time. I had substrate, gravel the first time and sand the second. I did very thorough gravel vacs, and floated all my plants. Only got the worms a second time cause they hitched a ride on a fish I got last summer. Don't think I had any fatalities the second time cause I caught it so fast.
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