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Everything posted by Sierra

  1. It is sadly a form of entertainment for some. Dogs tug at my heart more than fish though but yeah it's all in bad taste.
  2. Did I read this was a newer betta you acquired or did I just make that up lol?
  3. You are a life saver. I will give you a call tomorrow after school around 3. Crossing my fingers they hang in there. Pretty sure I still have your address in an old PM...I have been so unorganized since getting back on Sunday. Pet store has nothing but that food but now they both aren't eating so it won't help. Yes I tried rubbing with garlic although I don't even know if that works.
  4. Hey where did you get your treatment from? I have just recently identified this problem and need to find some asap.
  5. PLEASE HELP QUICK I came back from my holidays and my two newest bettas looked thin and ill. Before I went away I had noticed one refused to eat but kinda brushed it off he was not happy where he was in his new temporary home. Now I noticed the worms coming out of him regularly. I just found out what these were today and am pretty worried. Has anyone treated these with a product you can buy somewhere and not import? I have two small bowls that need treated. I would like to treat my 20 gallon tank because I had put some of the sick betta's water into it. (DUMB! - didn't think he had anything) This is a one of a kinda betta I payed dearly for and he was supposed to be my prize breeding male. The other sick fish is the female I planned to breed him with...however she can be replaced if necessary. I could really use some advice quickly on where to get a treatment product! Prefer one that someone has experience with. He is not eating so medicated foods won't work. Research says levamisole or fenbendazole? WHERE CAN I GET THESE!? Will be taking a trip to the LPS to read all the labels and hope to find something.
  6. WHoa! That's the same tank I saw in... November maybe? It looks really good! The pictures don't do the fish justice they are gorgeous. Sadly...I had to redo mine..not all the plants made it without the care it needed over my near 3 week holiday. Oh well excited to get everything going again.
  7. I wouldn't bother with a heater... cherry shrimp are pretty adaptable and the change in your water would be nothing too drastic in that time frame. I think they can even live in an unheated tank. I recently redid my substrate and they seemed fine in a small container for a short amount of time. However two things 1) after everything is out of the tank carefully make sure none are left...you may have more than you think 2) don't leave the waterline too high in the bucket or let them be able to reach anything they may escape with (plant..cover..) because they will escape If you have fish that will eat the shrimp I suggest giving them a separate bucket because if plant cover was letting them survive a bucket...well you know I'm sure it won't be a big deal !
  8. lol I have made this mistake too Half Moon it is
  9. Sierra


    I've found it awesome I think I'm semi-addicted. No more endless searching for information...so much here. You will definitely like it and find what you need. Welcome! Oh and anything you need all you have to do is ask... it's nice...
  10. Yes I wanted to set up the hagen mini elite but they discontinued it ..so the pet stores tell me. Although I think you can still get it online. Anyone heard of this?
  11. Tank is 20 gallon planted (snails & shrimp)- no fish right now 1) What is the deal... are power filters with trickle/waterfall output bad for inserting your DIY CO2? Will my power filter create to much current?? Loss of CO2? 2) Is it more efficient to put my fine pore air stone under where the filter output is creating circulation or insert the CO2 into the filter input? (keep in mind type of filter?^^) OR 3) turn off the power filter (have sponge filter) and leave the fine pore air stone running as is? ..it puts bursts of small bubbles every few seconds...but they just float to the surface I do feel like with just the sponge filter there isn't much circulation in the tank and it won't be efficient in dispersing CO2 or oxygen when I add fish. I would like to create optimal conditions somehow with what I have.
  12. Alright that makes more sense. I did read about that specific problem but it was mentioned so few times I disregarded it. I think I already mentioned I already bought a bulb and pretty sure it put me at medium. Well I don't understand some people go W/G some just go by wavelengths but yes.. I'm just going with it see how it goes probably work out then good after what you said here. Good news for me lol. My CO2 I will leave for now and see and so the way I understand.. if it doesn't do well carbon fertilizer..like excel?? It's only a small tank after all... for now muhahaha
  13. Just looked into them (never heard of really before now). They seem like more work than microworms but I just read a little bit quickly... I will probably go with whatever I can get my hands on between worms/eels. I bought some stuff recently from jvision and totally forgot while I was there to get some microworms (damnit damnit), but I will see might have to go visit him again he is fairly close to me. How do you have your banana worm culture set up if you don't mind my asking?
  14. I like research, but I don't often have the time I want to be confident that most of the plants I put in will do fine. I think that makes sense ?
  15. Where did you buy your fluorite from?? Thanks
  16. Well for now I picked up a life-glo bulb..I ran into a guy at the pet store and he sold me on the yellow for long lasting medium growing plants compared to other colors that change speed but then die out etc etc...uh so I kinda just went with it. I think they are already looking happier after a day... possible maybe?
  17. Well this morning I saw three better than one... I still can't believe she could jump that high gawd!
  18. I had my female betta who is huge I guess... in her own container hanging on the inside of my tank. My establishing tank with only some brand new cherry shrimp... Yesterday I cam home to find her swimming happily in the tank...I thought I saw all the shrimp after I put her back on her own. So...I thought I made it impossible for her to get into the tank... Today I was cooking supper walked by and there she is again... she jumped over 7 inches high to be in the tank!?! AHH now...I have only seen 1 shrimp Needless to say she got tossed in with my boyfriends 3 frogs (been there before) and that's where she will be staying. Grr...
  19. I just going to let her grow out patiently I think. Microworms, brine shrimp, vinegar eels they all work for betta babies just in case...you were wondering. Worms and eels apparently super easy to culture and keep. Brine shrimp bit more work but some argue it's worth it. We shall see ...lol eventually.
  20. I have been reading and there are so many different opinions I thought it's better to ask about my tank specifically. I want a high light tank and have one light (hood) setup. How high wattage bulb should I get? Recommendations? Tank is getting new substrate after the light is upgraded. Recent DIY CO2 and have been using a sponge filter. If anyone wants to throw around ideas for a black substrate for a high lit, heavily planted tank...that's cool too.
  21. Ahh yeah I misjudged I got a female TOO small I think... but going to give her a try and there is still a bit of time before I give it a whirl. I will be busy with finals.
  22. Yeah I would be interested...remember to get back to me whenever you're ready.
  23. I agree betta is a great pet and there are many pretty colored males (some females) for a girl to choose from. They don't require that much care as I have left mine with the boyfriend over the summer..they didn't get any water changes and barely fed and they survived just fine. Although this isn't ideal obviously they are hearty. You could have a snail and shrimp (if hiding places available). Guppies would probably do okay if they had a light or small heat source...she could have more than one pretty fish that way. I don't know anything about white cloud minnows. Other fish I'm not sure but goldfish do smell and produce a lot of waste....more maintenance and not as interactive as betta (majority).
  24. I strongly agree as a new member I started reading stuff then looked at the date...the people in the conversations may/may not even be on the site anymore. Lots and lots of the older photos posted aren't working? Also yeah buy & sell could use a clean up I was looking through things from 2008. Information parts of the forum never need cleaned but some sections could use some TLC. ps: so far love this forum all the information I ever needed in one place, with people willing to help with just about anything
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