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Everything posted by Ron

  1. Welcome back! I'm pretty new to shrimp but have really fallen for them. Hope to see some setups from you soon. Ron
  2. Not in Calgary, Vancouver and it's a SSS Here are a couple more, first one I would consider a Flower and the second a Crown. Second isn't the clearest but the timing was funny.
  3. Japanese Pure Red Line. It's believe that most CRS available have been crossed with other shrimp to create a whiter shrimp faster so intense line breeding could be avoided. JPRL are a pure line than has been line bred and the white sections are very thick white with no cracks. Even with highend CRS, the white sections will have translucent cracks. JPRLs have been severly line bred and are very sensitive, they should be only for advanced shrimp keepers. You won't see many offered in Canada as my breeder sends most of his back to Japan for auction. Even a SS grade JPRL will be $450+ and I believe $2000 wouldn't be out of the question for a SSS+ Flower with white legs. I would love to have them but I need more time under my belt and I want a set up running for quite a while before I take the plunge. So once I move I think I will set up a pretty nice planted tank and save up for a small group. Ron
  4. I'm going to try and hollow out a sponge this weekend and fit it over the bottom.
  5. Thanks. It was sold as a SSS Crown. Definitely not a top SSS but way less red on the tail and head than a SS Hinomaru or SS Hinomaru No Entry. I'll try and get better examples of SSS Crowns and Flowers I have. Ron
  6. Thanks everyone. My wife definitely has a steadier hand than I, it's pretty challenging to photograph these guys. I can't wait till I move and have a stable set up for a while, then I may dare to upgrade to a very small group of JPRL......oh dare to dream. Ron
  7. I got the wife a new macro lense and this is a freehand shot of one of my Crystal Red shrimp. Thanks for looking. Ron
  8. When I first set up my Ebi, I stuffed a sponge in the first chamber so baby shrimp don't get sucked in. I had a small CPO in my Ebi, larger than a baby shrimp, and it was stuck to the intake; I had to unplug my filter before it could escape. I switched the filter immediately to a sponge filter.
  9. Pets and Ponds has the 200 watt Hydor ETH with 1/2" inlet/outlet, need to spend $200 for free shipping or pay the $8.99 shipping charge.
  10. Nice set up, where did you get the pipes?
  11. I got them a couple of weeks ago during the warm weather. Yes they are from Frank, great product and great to deal with.
  12. No, I couldn't find any PFRs or high end CRS locally so I had to bring them in from Vancouver.
  13. Ron

    Ehime Filters

    If that is the case, I think you need 4 liters of the EHFI MECH. I believe there are 3 - 4 liter trays in the Pro 3 2080.
  14. Got a pic of a berried female, a little tougher to tell because their solid colouring.
  15. Ron

    Ehime Filters

    I believe you mean the Eheim Pro 3 2080, it does ~450 gph. I would either go with JL Aquatics or Pets and Ponds; for that filter either one offers free shipping. Just checked and it's $30 cheaper at JL Aqautics. Don't forget the media kit as it only comes with the media pads.
  16. I'm trying to breed them but I don't know about giving them away I've got 3 berried females now and I had 2 young females drop their eggs so hopefully I'll have a tank full of babies in a month or so. I'll be separating out the average looking ones and they are gonna end up starting my feeder colony and only the best will stay in the show tank. Thanks for the nice comments guys. Ron
  17. Here are pics of a couple PFR (Painted Fire Red) shrimp I received last week. The first pic is a female and the second a juvi male, older males are more solid red. I have a couple stunning females but my camera skills only allow me to photograph the ones at the very front of the tank. Thanks for looking. Ron
  18. Were you using Seachem Prime? If so, it's supposed to smell like sulphur and according to Seachem, it never expires. The breeder I bought my shrimp from suggested to use Nutrafin Aqua Plus instead of Prime and if I chose to use Prime to be sure and not over dose it. Personally I don't think shrimp are that hard to keep, the back up work has to be done and conditions need to be monitored. They are higher maintenance but if a newbie wants to put in the time and effort, then go for it. I am not talking from a tonne of experience as I only have had mine for a whopping 2 days but everyone I got are doing great (eating and molting). I think the research, help from friends (forum members) and the guidance from the breeder will pay off. I chose to start with Red Cherries (Painted Fire Red), Crystal Reds (SSS+ Crowns and Flowers) and Mexican Orange Dwarf Crayfish (CPO). All 3 tanks are set up slightly differently; both shrimp tanks are at a pH ~6.7 due to the Fluval Shrimp Stratum and I had to move my CRS tank out of my fish room because it's a couple °F too hot. They both are mainly RO water, keeping the hardness at ~3°GH. The CPO are about half RO and a hardness of ~8°GH. My advice for those who want to keep more delicate and expensive species is do your research, buy quality gear and keep up on your maintenece...oh yeah have fun. Ron
  19. Ron


    Already have a pond filter in mind for my 450 so a sump is out, I want everything in a closed loop. I have found a 2000 watt inline heater but they aren't readily available in North America. I am reluctant to split up the return line and create too many pressure drops, I don't want to over work the pump I have.
  20. I never heard of anyone having soft water that isn't well water. Mine is 16°GH and 11°KH in South East Calgary.
  21. Ron


    I have a 200 watt Hydor inline heater on my 40 gallon and love that it's not in the tank. Now I am looking for a 2000 watt inline heater for the 450 gallon I am planning.
  22. I'm not sure you have 14" of concrete in your basement; when they poured mine, there might have been 6" with rebar. It shouldn't be a problem anyways, I believe most concrete is 20 MPa (~3,000 psi) compressive strength. Now if you had the entire weight on 1 square inch, you would have a problem. Great rack BTW, I need something like that but to hold 40 gallon breeder tanks.
  23. Unpacked my Ebi's last night, they look awesome with the curved glass. Filter needed some tweeking as I have read that the stock set up will easily suck baby shrimp into the filter. It only comes with sponges so I filled the largest chamber with Eheim Substrat Pro. I hope to speed cycle these 2 as I have a shrimp shipment this coming Thursday. I hope they come out with a bigger version like they did with the Chi, gets kinda crowded if you need a heater, a 12 - 15 gallon version would be great. I can bring by a light for you to have a look at if you want, I could also bring my light meter to see what levels of UVA and UVB these things are kicking out initially. Ron
  24. Waiting for mine to get delivered. I think they are nice nanos but I'll eventually set up bigger tanks for my shrimp.
  25. Love the Clown Knife, can't wait to set up my tank so I can see how big one will grow.
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