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Calgary & Area Member
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Everything posted by albert_dao

  1. You've had yours for a short period of time. Over the span of several months, the chromisrealize that they no longer need to use the school as a defensive mechanism and revert to regular bullying damselfish behavior.
  2. http://reefcentral.com/modules.php?s=&name...=showpage&pid=1 Chromis don't retain their schooling behavior unless they are kept on larger groups (8+). If you keep clowns, try to get them in pairs, one big and one small. They're all born male with the dominant fish changing sex and becoming a female. Dwarf angels are nice but for mature tanks only.
  3. I DARE you to get one of either as roommates for your clown Tim! Ha!
  4. Eh? I think you're mistaken Tim. He didn't get it from me... EL OH EL
  5. Rams were great additions to my Nemo bowl. Now it's like "OMG! NEEEMO! DOOOREY!!! AND BLUE THINGS!!!"
  6. ... I wish I had the tank Tim. This is like... stealing from a beggar almost. I mean that in the most non-condescending way possible.
  7. Have fun with the mollies Paul. It took me six months + to train my leaf fish over. Then again, you might get lucky and score one that takes frozen in a couple days. If so... damn you.
  8. PFO's parallel unit is also very good, probably better than the lumenarc's.
  9. You could do 250 watt if you found yourself a really good reflector. If you're going SE, then Lumicarc's are your best bet.
  10. Don't listen to Tim. Go for the shark.
  11. .. I have ONE. And I'm keeping it, Ha! Ha!
  12. In your tank, you're pretty much limited to one species. And if anyone wants to say otherwise, I shall strike them dead.
  13. Depends on the species and maturity. Maroons will pretty much herd everything regardless of whether they have an anemone or not, while occelaris/perculas won't have any aggressive behavior until they are at least 3" long.
  14. Heh, I was trying to take a video, but... It always looks so crappy since they swarm to the front to greet me when I'm standing there instead of doing their normal behavior. I took some pics, but I'll have to resize them later.
  15. Pretty much. Everything else has a pretty dismal long-term survival record.
  16. Ignore all of them. They are mostly impossible to keep long term (past six months). Don't let anyone else tell you otherwise. There's a difference between luck and proper husbandry. As far as I'm concerned, there's only two ornamental anemones in the hobby, the BTA and the carpet.
  17. I must say, definitely one of the funnest fish to watch. I had this fish on several occassions prior, but never with sand until now. Busy things, within 30 seconds of being put into the tank, they started digging in the substrate. A far cry from the "greet the keeper" mid-water shoaling behavior they were pulling at the store. Now there's a couple hundred little divots in the sand where tiny mouths have been shovelling. It's been 15 minutes since I have turned off the lights, but there's still a bit of ambient light in the room and I can see them still at it. Hilarious! I'll take a video of them tommorow.
  18. EL OH EL! Even Tim knows how to crack a laugh! What's next? Jay wearing a chicken suit? :P
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