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Everything posted by jamesbarr

  1. very nice man! I really love aros. Bill Peyto says "its a dandy!"
  2. my condolences, i share an affinity for the big tank puppies. If you are looking to replace him I have seen a couple of links here from members http://albertaaquatica.com/index.php?showtopic=36477&hl=oscar&fromsearch=1 http://albertaaquatica.com/index.php?showtopic=36133&hl=oscar&fromsearch=1
  3. im just glad for the good people of AA to help me with my problems
  4. awww pith! :P things are looking up. I guess now I know what the signs to watch for are so that I can start dealing with it right away
  5. hey all. Thank you very much for coming to my aid. I bought the marine salt and added 1 tbsp per 5 gal. Did a W/C today. Things are looking up. not totally out of the woods but I dont hate loving my tank at this point :P
  6. Thanks for all your help folks. yeah dragon, the spots only showed up yesterday. blah! so how much salt would you suggest. websites seem to vary a good deal on their advice about that, I raised the temp in my tank to 82F/28C Any ways, at least like you said, I know now what the issue is. just have to fix it.
  7. my fish have ich, what do i do? My wife is going to buy some treatment stuff tomorrow. what else do i do? I also have the heat at 26 C help me
  8. maybe there would be a possibility of creating a separate occasion all together. Maybe people would be receptive to the idea if the auction was left alone. After all, we all would love another excuse to get together and swap wares . Spring and Fall auctions and summer and winter table sales? I know that in the dead of winter I could sure use something fun to look forward to. I dont know why table sales should be so hard to pull off being that we have a classified section here and people are meeting up to do it privately anyway. As far as volunteers, I cant see why there would need to be anymore than there are, being that cash exchange would be dealt with between the purchaser and seller. Divying up the % could happen after the sale was over with a calculator, a seller, and a cas or ace member. No need for volunteers to run livestock around the auction mart and so on. Just my thoughts. I think you have a good idea here that has the potential to make the clubs more money and create a more social experience among members (outside of our pcs that is :P)
  9. so yesterday I noticed that one of them was looking particularly haggard. I removed it from the tank and today all the rest are swimming about as happy as can be. Its weird. Almost like they were all sulking over their buddies condition lol. Sentimental fish. So I guess Ill just keep watching and see if anything changes back to the weirdness prior to now. But as for the moment, things are back to normal....
  10. lol well thank you for racking you mind for me. I have no idea. I guess I will ride it out and see what happens. If they are preggers I guess everyone can expect some freebie platy/gollie/whatever babies on here haha. Thanks for the help, I really appreciate the effort.
  11. i don't know, maybe i should grab some more from that guy. I have 5 already thou, and they all came from the same tank.... As for the testing, I actually don't test right now. I just do weekly water changes....Maybe I should get a kit. I have never kept a tank larger than a 15 gal prior to this. I had a canister filter on that one back then (regrettably sold that). I once tested it with a liquid test kit that I cant remember the name of but it was an expensive one and it was at zero nitrates so I guess I just figured that if I kept the same formula it would be the same results... maybe im wrong. thou I have an ac50 and an ac20 on my tank now. The only thing that I can think of that I haven't mentioned is that I have a 1 litre of diy co2 running on my tank as well. I'm pretty sure that its not the problem tho since all the other fish are behaving as usual.
  12. hey, im about n hour north on edmonton, but if I was made aware of the event or where to be and when I would do my best to be available....
  13. These are the best pictures that I could get. Little buggers are hard to get a good picture of since they are so fast moving! This one is one of the fish not involved in the sand sitting behavior. I should clear up that I dont have any guppies. The guy that I got the platies from has guppies. My tank has 4 spotted danios, 5 serpea tetras, 5 platies (or gollies or mollis) and 3 hifin albino plecos(juvies). I have them in a planted 36gal tank.
  14. yeah for sure, would give a newer person (like me) a chance to talk to someone that keeps what you are buying. I know that I wouldnt have purchased a couple of plants I got this year had I known what they would require, or at least would have known what I needed to get in order to do it right. so what I am wondering is how or who is able to present an idea like this to ACE or the Calgary club?
  15. i like that idea. IMO the auction can take a lot of time and that would be a reason why some people would skip out. If you could come in and wander I think that would be nice. Maybe it could become a two day event with the more typical stuff on tables for sale and the more rare items up for bid.... Whatever the case, I like it. 2nded
  16. can you PLEASE tell us? :P
  17. :rofl: Hence the thread title eh? :rofl: I love this forum, I really do. :rofl: Now tell me... are all three laughing faces turning at the same rate? Dad. yep, they sure are wiggling at the same rate Janzen, I have to say that I share the same sentiment. Although watching the blackhawks score with 5.5 sec on the clock to tie the game was something else to watch too 1+ but also i do regular testing on my tank paramaters,all normal levels. and my female golddust mollys sometimes rub on the sand when giving birth.....maybe it helps push it out? So are you suggesting that my original assumptions could actually be true too? Platy guppy crosses could happen? I should really get some picture up on here to show you guy what I have here. Might help. All this is making me wish I had taken bio more seriously back in highschool :P
  18. ok wow, I bet you are right sir Janzen. I hit up the trusty google. Platies and mollies could easlity be mistaken for one another... Thank you for helping me clear that up. So that just leaves the confusion on what the heck they are doing rubbing up on the sandy bottom. Would the gollies try and breed the platies? Thats awesome tho because it really explains a lot. He has some fish (previously thought to be platies) that are inexplicably large. however if they are mollies, their size would also make more sense.
  19. Well, what I am watching doesnt involve a guppy at all any more. It involves two normal platies and two cross bred platies. The guy i got them from bought his orignal platies and guppies probably a couple years ago give or take. These fish that I have are no more than a few months old. Since, he has more than double the population in his tanks. He stocks no mollies (if he did I have taken them instead :P). In his tank he has danios, guppies, platies, pleco, yoyo loach, and a couple runty minnows. The only thing that made sense was platy and guppies.... It is odd however because it seems that the concensus is that they cannot breed. Ill have to post some pictures as SuperGuppyGirl is requesting. Perhaps buddy has a bit of an anomaly tank.....lol
  20. curious what are you doing with the peat? I recall a tidbit of trivia about it stimulating breeding or something. Is that what you are up to?
  21. hey, your tanks look good! I particularily like your moss! I had some piggy back into my tank with a clipping of anubias that a tank pal of mine gave me and I hope grows in nice like yours did on your wood. Bill Peyto says its a dandy!
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