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Everything posted by windeindoiel

  1. Aww they're so pretty, and looking great and happy.
  2. That is what I was wondering.... Let's not forget that ID shark too. The clown loaches are nice though, I like those fish, they're pretty when they're big.
  3. I think hybridizing is a little silly in some cases, like that wrinkle dog that needs to get surgery or something about something, I don't remember now (it's been a long day on little sleep). But in some cases hybridizing is good, like the wheat example, and a whole lot of other food sources that have been hybridized and selectively bred to produce something better. Also natural hybridization does happen in the wild, so maybe it's not necessarily wrong. With how it relates to fish and endangerment in the wild I have an example that applies to me. I see hybridized stingrays for sale every now and then and that really bothers me. They aren't being commonly bred in captivity yet and they're situation in the wild isn't very good. So until one of those things changes I think it's really important to keep the different species well seperated and not let any hybrids happen. When they are more commonly bred in the hobby and there's no chance of pure bred rays becoming rare, if people want to create hybrids go for it, though I probably will never buy one. I don't know if this is really coming out very well, I am very tired.
  4. I really like those guys, all mine have died though, my guess is starvation. I tried though, I tried. The last time I had them I was using liquid fry food as the staple, and they lasted a couple weeks longer than usual. In the aqualog book about shrimp it says to use pellets and as the pellets dissolve the shrimp will press their "fans" on it to get the food, though I haven't tried that yet. They are cool though, I hope your keeping them goes better than mine!It's fun to watch them standing in the current putting out their fans and then folding them up and sticking them in their mouths. Aww.
  5. Wow gorgeous setup, very impressive.
  6. Lol I know, everytime you'd post something on there Lyder would call me over to look at all the stupid replies. And my comment was actually Lyder's lol. Yeah well I wanted to post pics earlier but Lyder wanted to make sure they were doing good before we showed them to the world. And that's really the only good pic we have of them right now but when we get more I'll post them.
  7. Lol this isn't mfk, I expect some intelligence on this board. :P And thanks.
  8. 2 females, one male. They're all doing really well, really healthy, eating like pigs, which is good because when we first got them they weren't doing very well at all, we thought the one female wasn't going to make it (now she's the most aggressive eater ).
  9. Cool they have really nice colors, I especially like the second one.
  10. Really the rays don't care? Cool snail.
  11. Why what's wrong with the water out there? 100% distilled water isn't a good idea because it's way too soft and there's nothing in it, which isn't good for fish. At least go half and half with distilled and tap water if you want to use distilled water at all. I'm assuming here that it's just hardness and high pH that is wrong with your water, which is ok. Fish will adjust to it. It's more important to keep the water stable.
  12. Hey I'm sure they don't mind the fake plants. And very nice, dwarf puff puffs are one of my favorites.
  13. Oh sorry, just none of my dwarfs ever have. I drop them in and they swim up, look at them, and then look at me like what's this crap you're throwing in the water?
  14. Ok I'll say my bit on dwarf puffers. Getting 3 or 4 for a 10 gallon would be perfect. Make sure you keep up on water changes though because they are messy. Definately have lots of plants and rocks in there for them, it helps curb aggression. I have luck keeping mine with oto cats and shrimp, but it really depends on the personality of the fish. I added one once that harassed everyone, including the other puffers (he bit one of the other puffs and I got to see it puff up) so I removed that one. Feed them frozen food, they won't eat flake or pellets. They like live food too, for a treat it you're into it. They're really personable which is why I'm addicted to them (setting up a 44 so I can have a school of fish that get an inch and a half long). The one I have now comes up to the glass as soon as you stick your face in front of it. They are freshwater so you don't have to worry about salt or anything when they're all growed up. For more info on these guys visit www.dwarfpuffers.com.
  15. Those are some nice looking rays.
  16. Aww I think it's the most gorgeous thing I've ever seen.
  17. Ever since I started keeping lizards people tapping has really bothered me. When showing the tank to new people I usually stand by the tank, and grab their arm when they go to tap on the glass, accompany it with a death glare and tell them not to tap, because blah blah, I think it's pretty effective, my friends think they're scarred for life and will never tap on a tank again. Now what's really hard for me is pet stores, when little kids come and tap. There's some tongue biting there because I don't think I'm capable of telling people not to tap nicely, and I don't need parents coming after me for yelling at their kids.
  18. I'm upset that they're banning them and doing nothing about the fishing/random killing. I think that if they're going to allow rays to continue being slaughtered they should at least give aquarists a chance to make them common in the hobby.
  19. Ok thanks, some will be for sale at the auction. This thing grows like crazy.
  20. Root. It's definately not a crypt, it grows to be a tall stem plant, those were the ones I took off the top and replanted.
  21. I want to sell some plants in the auction, but I don't know what they are. And I somehow doubt listing them as "unknown plant species" would be appreciated. So, any ideas what these are?
  22. Oh yes, I forgot to mention, half the tank is open with a few scattered rocks. The other half has rocks piled up to the top, making for many caves and hiding places, which the pleco rarely ventures out of. That's why I was thinking some sort of trap.
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