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Everything posted by AJanzen

  1. Hey everyone, Unsurprisingly my planted tank has a RHS problem and picking them out and crushing the eggs just isn't solving the problem. Also, my 20G barb tank has a growing RHS problem due to my own stupidity (had some weird algae I wanted cleaned up, chucked about 10 RHS from my planted tank in there after the GF told me it was a dumb idea, they cleaned it up but even after removing them after two days there are probably about 40 small RHS kicking around now). I know that clown loaches are renowned snail destroyers but what other types of loaches are good for snail annihilation? I have cherry shrimp in my 75g planted but plan on removing them for a while to a 55g while the loaches do their work, and eventually the loaches will move to our 90g after they've finished the job.
  2. Yeah, I'm on the nerite snail train here as well. I've got some zebra snails and they lay little eggs everywhere. Don't worry, they won't hatch unless the water's brackish and even then it's apparently fairly difficult to have a successful hatch.
  3. Don't know about the worms but the second one looks like a dragonfly larvae. They can hitchhike into tanks on new plants put in, I had one in my planted tank that I removed as they have been known to eat small fry and shrimp. Don't think it can hurt larger fish but wouldn't promise anything. If you do decide to get rid of it, good luck as they can be pretty damn fast and as you can see blend in quite well with their surroundings.
  4. Tank looks amazing, stand looks really cool too. Did you build it yourself?
  5. Hey everyone, wanting to put the question out there as it has plagued me for a while now. I used to keep quite a few bettas around the house, usually about 5-7 but became extremely discouraged when they kept dropping off. I've tried them in 1gallon bowls, 2.5gallon aquariums with filters (some planted, some not), some mixed in with tropical fish in a 5 gallon (the tropicals were always plain, extremely non aggressive). What is the natural lifespan of a betta? Always bought from an LFS so thought maybe they were just older fish already. Best luck I've had was with a halfmoon from BigAl's that cost me $60 and lasted a year and a half in an unfiltered, un-aerated half gallon bowl.
  6. Farkin brutal. I have suffered from similar incidents. Most commonly the holiday genocide with an inexperienced house sitter. I'll make sure my fish let some food hit the gravel *one for our homies*
  7. I know aquagiant on 127ave and 50st builds acrylics. Their website is in shambles right now and the woman at the counter didn't speak very good English any time I've been in there but they did have good size acrylic tanks at reasonable prices. On a side note their fish always seemed quite healthy as well, maybe just a fluke at the time I was in there as the store is in quite a state of disarray as well.
  8. I personally like a tiger barb tank. You can mix some green tiger barbs with regular tiger barbs and get a nice color contrast, a fairly easily maintained tank, and active fish that are entertaining to watch. 10Gallons is pretty small though, easily overstocked. I would personally try to step it up to a 20G, costs just a fraction more and definitely worth it.
  9. Yeah, I wouldn't worry about it either. I have a 75g planted community tank and my cherry shrimp have gone crazy. Have somewhere around 200 in there right now with a crazy amount of guppies and platies and the tank is doing just fine. I just make sure I overfeed the tank regularly so the shrimp have something to munch on as they've gotten rid of all the algae ages ago.
  10. Hey everyone, This is actually a question for a close friend of mine. He currently has a 5.5 gallon fluval chi with some endlers in it but is looking to transform it into a decently planted betta tank. Main problem is whether the Chi's lighting is adequate to maintain a planted tank. Looking for some solutions here if anyone has any experience with this. Wondering if there is a different light that can be used with the factory setup to provide a higher wattage lighting, low light level plants that are ok with the LED's currently installed, or whether you have to modify the whole filter/light setup to make it work? Any suggestions or ideas would be much appreciated. Thanks.
  11. I agree that there are some similarities to a common pleco but if I can somehow manage to upload some other pics I think you'll change your mind bigamefish. Either that or I just ended up with an awesome looking common pleco
  12. We bought this pleco four years ago from one of our lfs (can't remember which one now). It was sold to us as a common pleco but I think it's pretty clear that it's not. Been doing some snooping but can't quite figure out exactly which one this is, looks kinda like a leopard sailfin pleco but not quite. If anyone knows what type it is it would be much appreciated. Thanks!
  13. So in the next month or two we're going to be converting our 90G into a cichlid tank. My girlfriend has her heart set on some Blue Dolphin Cichlids. Wondering how many would be comfortable in a 90G and what other cichlids would be suitable tank mates for them. Thanks for the info in advance!
  14. Hey just wondering if anyone had a selection of online places to order freshwater livestock from that will ship within/to Canada. I know about cichlaholic.com out of Winnipeg, jlaquatics.com, and recently found www.alphaprobreeders.com out of Ohio for a pretty decent selection of freshwater shrimp (and yes they will ship to Canadian cities). Does anyone else have any good sites they've had experience with?
  15. Tried multiple times with jpeg files and it wouldn't work no matter what pixelation I used, than gif files worked fine
  16. Having trouble uploading a profile photo, is there a max size I'm not aware of. Every photo I try to upload fails.
  17. Thanks for the suggestions guys, very helpful.
  18. Hi everyone, I've been wanting to set up a tank in my daughter's room (she's just under a year) as she absolutely loves the other tanks we have in the house. Wanted to set up something with bright, colourful, active, fish. Was originally thinking of a discus tank but have been steered away from them due to their sensitivity. I have a 55gallon sitting around waiting to be filled and am just looking for some suggestions on setting up a cichlid tank and some of the more colourful breeds to put in it for my daughter's enjoyment. Also, I don't really want any fish that are going to get more than 4-5 inches in length as I would like a decent amount of fish in the tank. Thanks everyone.
  19. Most of the new guppies popping up seem to be fancy tail guppies. Black bodies with red and blue tail fins and high colorful dorsals. Have a spectacular yellow cobra male but seems like he doesn't have to much luck with the ladies so far. If you're ever in the edmonton area let me know, got tons of cherry shrimp and some good java moss for breeding. Love to do some fish swaps
  20. We just moved houses and as a result had a fun job of transporting out koi from one house to another. Tried to make it as least stressful as possible; had a new larger tank already set up at the new house with both new (treated) and old tank water, transported all koi separately in large coolers ( koi range from 10 to 13 inches). As gentle as we were though our favorite butterfly koi lost some of her lower tail fin and now was almost tubular looking pink growths around the area (doesn't look fungus like, not white or fuzzy) also one of our smaller germanic koi has the same growth in the upper region of her tail fin (no other visible trauma). Wondering if anyone else had seen this? Is this normal regrowth or something to be concerned about?
  21. What kind of DIY background did you make? A complete home set from scratch or a kit from a store? Just wondering, seen a few. Curious as to how they turn out. Love to see some pictures
  22. Hey, just signed up after hearing about this site from Henry at Nature's Corner Store in Edmonton. I currently have a 90 gallon koi tank, a planted 75gallon with swordtails, hatchetfish, guppies, and a plethora of amano and cherry shrimp, as well as a 20gallon with an extremely large electric blue crayfish and barbs. Look forward to sharing ideas and swapping fish (especially guppies and cherry shrimp - last count had over 100 cherry shrimp ranging from a few weeks old to breeding size). Also, my 75gallon has a chunk of java moss that should soon be taking over the tank.
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