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Everything posted by Claudiohv

  1. So ive seen some neat pics of aquarium kitchen island, for example: photo from: https://www.facebook.com/ecochicdesign?fref=photo And that, IMHO, looks freaking awesome, the thing is Does anyone have something similar? Or who could be the best guys to get something like this build from?
  2. Ty, let me know when i could go pick them up! today im picking up some shrimp close to UC around 7,
  3. Well looking for maybe 3-7 I have only a 16 gallon tank... I don't want to feed them 10 dollar star fish too often...
  4. Hello anyone got Asterina stars? im looking for some food for my Harlequin Shrimp, Thank you!
  5. Beautiful ! Pics are good too!
  6. Tell her the kid should not be able to take the tank down or move it. The tank is more than 500 lbs...
  7. This was taken a while back-Neocaridina shrimp sometimes have stripes along the back, it can be red, pink, yellow, brown, black, blue, you name it. here I have my oldest female carbon rili, with a yellow stripe along its back. .
  8. body shape buddy, ill send u a link to one of the pics of my chocolate shrimp.
  9. I have Neo shrimp that look like that... but its kind of hard to tell from the pic what does it look like more eitehr bamboo or a black/chocolate/rili shrimp
  10. It was in one bag, a shipment from Peru. (a bag with pgymy cory)
  11. I hope he/she is going to take time to grow... im gonna do some research now.
  12. thanks for a such a quick input guys, I probably shouldn't keep this guy with corydoras ....
  13. OMG that's a scary fish! but it looks really cute now...
  14. So does anyone recognizes this fish? Thanks
  15. haha thx Darryl! I found a seller, and im thinking of placing an order of these guys. They are very attractive. Creekbotton, no worries i have to learn how to read too. lmao
  16. Any one have these guys? and if so where did you get them from and how many, whats your experience with them? and the price?
  17. Hello forum I just saw this post on Facebook and I wanted it to share it with you guys, I had a bit of trouble understanding the no entry, crown, etc terms, but thanks to this guide It's all clear. Oh and it's in German too, but pretty straight forward.
  18. I like pond snails they stay small, my turtles just love em, I just ran out of snails in my turtle tank. I am actually looking for some...
  19. where is this place again? the website is down...
  20. Here is a video of what the magazine looks like, link provided by Timo. http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=cWT6xltqyGE&desktop_uri=%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DcWT6xltqyGE
  21. I dont think so, When its available I will post it here, if anyone else doesn't do it first. I just can't wait for the part that talks about new species!
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