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Everything posted by patmonza

  1. When I was younger we used to catch them in lake newwell , right by brooks. Again not legal to bring home live now.
  2. I've been mislead then..lol
  3. there are good posts here. welcome!
  4. Hi I was hoping some one could help me out. I have brown algae and was wondering how to combat it and what fish are good for eating it. Thank you in advance
  5. Hi Harold, I am looking for some super red bristle nose plecos. If you have any or can get some ,I would like to buy some. Also I would like to buy some more oil cats too please. Let me know please and thank you Have a good day Pat
  6. Hi Is it possible to have white parasites on my glass? I see what looks like white worms or such on my glass.
  7. Hi I found a solution to my problem. Can,t remember my perimeters but melafix is the cure. Even today there are looking better. Thank you for your advice Have a good day! Pat
  8. my chiclids have cloudy eyes .can any one help me with this problem please!
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