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Everything posted by SuperGuppyGirl

  1. honestly Ottos, dwarf Corys, dwarf plecos, hillstream loaches are great to help keep tank clean and won't eat the fry
  2. I found a coconut carved like a monkey for 25 cents which says have fun and its giving the finger in a very subtle way lol has now become my work complaint dept! as for tanks 2-200watt heaters for 2.00 as they had no clue what they were for
  3. Looking good!!! I have used this when manufacturing garage cupboards as guys seem to favor a rough texture, myself if I can get a hold of it as a regular joe, would be some of the Stylelite as easy wipe down and can handle a fair bit of moisture, can even get it in a few styles of wood veneers plus easy to fix minor damage.
  4. Added a pic, now just have to spank that pleco as he keeps tossing all the sand out of his corner and covering up my pygmy chain and uprooting the hydro and pushing my bubble wand out of place :eh:, hopefully the plants will spread more so it will hide that ugly pond filter lol, let me know what you think
  5. Yellow Convicts are like a nickname for these fish, the cryptohero nanaluteas aka lemon lime cichlid, isnt as aggressive as its cousin the regular convict and can be kept with small to medium livebearers, these ones I have I talked to the man that was breeding them and said he kept with corys without issue other than some chasing away from the spawn site, he is an etremely reliable source so I believe him :-D have to delete some before can post pics and cant from my phone
  6. I have dealt with them alot, and Shawn the head guy is amazingly helpful, doesn't mind tons of questions and will go out of his way to try and find an answer, I only deal anymore with them and Aquarium Central, but honestly is up to you if you choose to use them or pick everyone's brains here, but have to say they are good people and extremely helpful and love shooting the breeze about the fishes and equipment
  7. So finally got the sand, plants, caves and wood in (75% fresh water, 25% water from other tank), ran it for 3 days with just the bubble curtain in back and the MTS waiting for the sand to settle, turned on the filter and had it running for 2 days, unfortunately my filter on the other 75G had an incident where it stopped running again :eh: (thinking motor might be shot as smoke was coming out of the propeller area when took the top off) so had to add the fish into the tank a lil early (ammonia was between 0-0.25 ) and boy howdy are they stirring everything up in the tank, as a Plus my female crypto nanaluteas dug a sand pit in front of the coconut hut :w00t: and the corys are going nuts wiggling around thinking they are at fault for the murkiness/cloudy tank right now, So currently the tank has a 36" bubble curtain, 1-40W T8 Power-glo, 1-40w T8 Marine-glo (hubby bought wrong bulbs) Fluval 404, Hydor Pond 1 pond filter, 55lbs quik-crete play sand, chain sword, pygmy chain sword, cambomba, corkscrew val, glossostigma, hornwort, something that was sold to me as Hygrophilia, a broad leaf twig like plant that thinking is some sort of Crypt, soon to have some java fern and anubias. Fishy: 30 asst corydoras, 1 cryptohero nanaluteas (F), 15 Rummynose, 3 dwarf Gouramis, 6 glo-lines, 4 neons, 6 platies, 10 Swordtails, 1 clown pleco, 1 orange/common pleco hybrid. Will try to post some pics after the sand settles down again :hey:
  8. Cheaper is better for myself as well, as I am constantly rearranging tanks
  9. Yup altjough my livebearers loved the roots too lol
  10. Lol I put them in a vase for a bit till they grow a bit and also attach them to the tops of decorations so they have less distance to grow then move them down as needed
  11. I get them from walmart, my guppies loved chewing on the leaves and would swim around the corkscrew variety
  12. Made it wide enough to stay upright by itself or used the squeezable bussiness paprr clips with the arms
  13. So I have a 75 gallon tank fairly bare as I have been redoing it the entire set up, now now I have fairly peaceful fish, but as I was moving the fish out of the tank I noticed a few of the neons/glo lines had chunks missing from their tails, and a green cory was actually missing his tail!!! So popped the neons and cory into a smapl tank by themselves with some salt and melafix and crossed my fingers, unfortunately lost the cory now the next day I found a swordtail dead and another cory ravaged, have lost that cory too, I am thinking its the 2 new female gouramis I added as all the others have been together for months, but have been told that these dwarf gouramis aren't aggressive, there are a trio of dwarf gouramis(powder blue and honey) assorted swordtails, platies and various corys, neons and glolines, so any ideas...dont want to lose any more of my cory cuties
  14. Taking forever to set this tank up...Good thing I love Corys or else LOL

  15. I used some cross stitch mesh from walmart as a divder, cost around 2.00 and can cut to fit, was in craft section, I sectioned off part of the tank and the fry would swim through the holes to safety,
  16. Thanks guys going to go scrounging at near by rock quarries or commercial retailers
  17. hmmm what about hastatus corys or even some neons? showy fish shouldnt eat the shrimp not a 100% on any baby shrimp, mine stay around mid level with trips to top and bottom occasionally
  18. Hey all, got this covered for Crystal, grabbing them tomorrow morning for her. :-D
  19. Going to try the tank idea, I found some really gorgeous big pieces and thought instead of slate caves why not red shale ....not sure how to do the acid test...
  20. So was wondering about red shale for aquarium use and as per usual the web has divided views on yea or nay....So anyone use this in their tanks? And if so how did you make it aquarium safe please
  21. I have the yellows in right now with some danios, swordtails, platies,pleco and rummynoses they chade them out of the caves but but so far thats it, also saw them listed as lemon lime cichlids? But the only fish im worried about with them is my corys once i get them established in the 75 and they start spawning, havent seen anything online about their compatibility with my various corys (paleatus,albino, bronze,green and golden ear)
  22. Gonna have to agree with Wingin it cause cant think of anything else if the others are good
  23. For general sexing of gourami's is to look at their dorsal fin, distinct point =male, rounded off= female (not sure if their are species specific ones)
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