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Everything posted by SuperGuppyGirl

  1. You got that massive piece? I missed when that went.
  2. Oh, your the arsehole who outbid me on those If they have some babies for you hit me up. Lol not a problem, been after these for awhile myself so fingers crossed
  3. I have one in a 10G with my cull RCS and it's leaving them alone but would have to say 6 of one half a dozen of the other as for whether it will leave them alone in your tank. My gal ignores shrimp but damn near killed the betta I tried in there.
  4. Excellent auction! Snagged the albino axolotl, a pair of least killifish, 7 wild color BN (some will have to be rehomed as I think a lot of males), hastatus corys, neon rice fish, some juvie GBRs, 3G and a 10G tank. Wanted more of the corys but just don't have room for anymore tanks. Lol still trying to figure out where to put the 2 I bought. Oh and won the canister filter from the raffle but the best was the Ian Fuller painting of C. Robinae! Thank you ACE and everyone for the excellent time!
  5. They were some rescue fish, I was picking up a betta to rehome and these guys were in the tank they were shutting down. People didn't even know they were in there and had rehomed the parents already so probably were from Petsmart. When I got them they were barely over a quarter inch. Well just have to wait and see.
  6. Damn, they are just over an inch, and with no sign of colouring up yet. Well just have to keep stuffing them then. Thanks Paul
  7. So a while back picked up some rainbow fry, have been growing them out but am stumped as to what they could be. Hoping the rainbow experts can help me out. Thanks in advance (these are not from here but were at a lfs)
  8. Just make sure if you go into labour that you still can bid... ummmm maybe not if it's something I want.... They accept phone bids right? Lol
  9. I'm coming but no running for me at this auction. Between having my 6 yo son and 8 months pregnant I might be a bit slow lol.
  10. I had something like these in my tank once, nothing new had been added and the tank had been running for months. I was told they were a type of freshwater plankton completely harmless and some fish will eat them. Did they feel a bit slimy when you ran your hand over the glass? I was told it came from over feeding, I cut back my feeding and before my next WC I wiped the glass with a soft scrubby and they were gone.
  11. This was Edmonton's tap water tested yesterday at noon, by my lfs. For your 90, I would have added 4 capfuls of prime. I use 3 in my 75G during times like this, I empty out my water, add the prime, add a airstone to mix it through the water, then refill with the python after 15-20 minutes. I don't know Calgary's water parameters but having had something similiar happen to me last spring I believe it is the ammonia poisoning. Try smaller WC, 30 instead of 75% and if you have sponge filters start seeding them in other tanks (if they aren't already) so you can use them in the tanks you just did the WC on.
  12. Yup agree with above, those look to be its insides aka guts. Best to end it's suffering.
  13. Ahahaha yet she bargains (cough threatens cough) me at auctions for corys.
  14. Just a thought, never tried it but what about nail polish remover to remove the paint?
  15. Been doing some research since your post piqued my interest, only thing I could find about albino zygatus was on Scotcat. It mentioned a little copper coloured eyebrow on the albino zygatus as opposed to albino rabauti. Here's the link to the article : http://www.scotcat.com/articles/article114.htm But all I could find mentioning albino zygatus, hope it helps
  16. Check with Ray Fong for membership jeremoose.
  17. Ahaha awesome sauce, sashimi is my male BN name
  18. All right tell me how you did it for the rice fish, my girls want to but my boys are being fridgid lol
  19. I added some rosewood to a tank and the shrimp (whisker, cherry culls) loved it, cleaned it off in two days.
  20. I remember that thread, seriously making me want to rethink my tanks so I can get some of these beauties.
  21. +1 on balloon fish, strangely I don't mind parrots as long as they aren't mutilated to be hearts or dyed, can't stand goldfish especially the mutated ones, plecos, anytime my relatives get fish especially as they won't listen about proper fish care.
  22. If it doesn't wash off they will probably start nuzzling each other and get it off. Might get them feeling frisky! Bow chicka wow wow!
  23. Dear Santa, I'm looking for 2x4's, 2x6's, 1x2's and some free time to finally build some fish racks so I can rearrange my fish room. And if it's not too much could you sprinkle some magic on my C. Duplicareous, CW009 and my hastatus so they will get busy.
  24. Thank god, lots of conflict as usual on the internet. Thank you everyone for your help!
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