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Everything posted by Quetzalcoatl

  1. I was looking a documentary about the amazon river, and the water there is not pristine crystal clear. In fact the camera crew had a hard time trying to film the fish in such murky water. Then I saw a documentary about lung fish in africa, and those guys literarily live in the mud by the 1000's very over crowded. Also I should not forget to mention the arowana farms in Asia. The water in those farms is standing algae green and muddy. While I am sure all these environments are chemically safe, what I am trying to say is that dirty looking water might be the result of a tank exposed to sun light where algae is prospering or caused by a multitude of suspended particles not removed by mechanical filtration. I definitely agree that a dirty looking tank is not an option in the hobby, and that people need to care about their pets; However in the wild some fish are more sturdy that we think. Finally planet earth has been through many mass extinctions and fish have survived them all. It is possible that we humans will go extinct before fish do
  2. I was told in the local fish stores, that if you buy your stock locally, They are already adapted to the local water conditions. I keep chocolate cichlids, convicts and tambaquies. I bought them all in Calgary and they are doing ok
  3. How many have survived? are you selling them?
  4. I use a 1000 gallons pump attached to a 1 inch hose. I usually do 30% of my 230 gallons tank in minutes About the water temperature, first I collect the water in large rubber maid totes, I add water conditioners and let it sit for 24 hours. By that time the temperature of the water is the same as my home, and so far safe for the fish. My fish probably are not very picky, they are large tambaquis, chocolate cichlids and silver dollars
  5. I got my axolotl salamanders from them. They are nice and healthy after one year now.
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