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Everything posted by Qattarra

  1. Qattarra


    :welcome: to AA. Feel free to ask tons of questions, we all learn from the answers, not to mention some debates that arrise from them hehe
  2. :welcome: to AA! I'm sure you'll have tons of ops to answer questions for us. Maybe when you come back to cowtown for a visit you'll bring back interesting creatures for our next auction
  3. There was a case in Cold Lake, the man's last name was Payne.(you'd have to do any research yourself). He was actively breeding wolf/dog crosses. Ended up in a whole lot of trouble as he was selling off the pups as "guard dogs" and these poor things had been abused and raised as mean creatures. From what I remember a child was attacked and killed. This was about 20 years ago. The animals were beautiful, unfortunately they (in most cases) can't be fully domesticated. It's ALWAYS the owners fault as far as I'm concerned. The animal can only respond by instinct, be it cat or dog....or even nasties who might draw blood in the aquarium. If we take on the responsability of their housing and wellbeing, we take on all other aspects too.
  4. I agree most every living thing has evolved and usually has crossed with other similars to come up stronger faster and better able to survive. The mad scientist stuff that occurs in the name of the oh holy buck is the stuff that tends to get people hot under the collar. Things like breeding animals with 3inch legs because they are "new" and "unusual" and can be sold as "oddities". Go to those poor goldfishes with those bubble eyes, do they get severe infections when they are torn? Being a gardener, my personal pet pieve is Monsanto, yes the creators of Roundup ready canola. They created this so the farmer can add tons of their weedkiller to the fields without killing the canola. Wind drift kills everything in the neighbours' fields though, and any reseeding that occurs no matter where is the sole ownership of Monsanto. Therefore if you don't hold liscence to grow Their seed they can collect your crop and sue you for having it. And yes there are cases in courts right now where one farmers' crop has reseeded itself into another's field and that farmer is now in court aggainst this huge company. These kind of crops are becomming dominent. There are many crops that are nearly exclusively grown because they are easier to pick mechanicly, are desease resistent and very uniform in growth. They are usually near flavourless and more and more less nutricious, but they make money. Mother nature does addapt and will. So big question what happens when the bugs addapt and now devistate these super crops? Diversity will always be the answer but who has it?
  5. Qattarra

    Heater Failure

    Although my heater did not stick it was just not at temp when my husband noticed at 5AM , so he turned it up. 5 minutes later as he left I saw that the water wasn't at temp so I turned it up. We returned by supper times to see all the fish floating and a strong fishy smell. This was 20 years ago , we came to the conclusion we needed to communicate better lol. Nothing since *knock on wood*
  6. Realy great fish, and so many. Is this a holding tank?No substrate, no plants rocks or any decor. It is very clean mind you.
  7. from what I've read, you just need to put in an airstone to gently pass bubbles over the eggs to mimmick the parental fanning, combined with water changes with good quality aged water. I haven't had any problems hatching angel eggs this way but they were on a glass piece part way up so the airstone could be beneath the eggs.
  8. :welcome: Glad to have you .
  9. I'm sure the wife agreed lmao -roll- -roll- For sure though , a long plastic bin will keep him happy for the move. Any bag would not last as he'd quickly turn it into a shower.
  10. I know you are asking for the ones that are 5cm or less, but I listed all the ones in my bookthat refers to shell dwellers and spawners as only 2 fit your request. Looking in my book , they have listed : microdontochromis tenuidentatus 8cm neolamprologus bifasciatus 10cm neolamprologus boulengeri 7cm neolamprologus brevis 6cm neolamprologus hecqui 8cm neolamprologus kungweensis 7cm neolamprologus meeli 7cm neolamprologus multifasciatus 4.5cm neolamprologus sp."magarae" 7cm neolamprologus variostigma 8cm neolamprologus wauthioni 7cm lamprologus ornatipinnis 8cm lamprologus signatus 6cm lamprologus speciosus 5cm
  11. Qattarra


    SSHHHH! now don't scare away the new person lol
  12. Qattarra


    :welcome: great to have you, there's a chair right next to me, have a seat.
  13. Qattarra

    Hello All

    Great to have you come over and sit for a spell, you can always stay for dinner too. :welcome: to AA. Too bad you don't know those Duke boys, Bo is mighty cute.
  14. -01- That really sucks . I (knock on wood) have been lucky so far, I haven't had any such water escapes. I hope everyone survives and enjoy their new tank. Same size tank or a bigger one? lol
  15. I'm sorry, what was the question? unfortunately I have tons of ideas but some just may not be as suitable as others lol.
  16. Careful observation will be done lol . Btw any salt?
  17. Thank you. I was getting concerned, the clerk told me they were pretty much full grown, the info I was finding was saying 11 inches, huge difference. Thanks.
  18. Well I saw these two at the Grove pet shop and couldn't resist. The store sign read "neon green puffer". It very much looks like Xenopterus Naritus (bronze puffer) in the light neon green color. It has a tall (broad) but not long tail. I bought them and brought them home. I understand they need to be in their own tank, done that, they need to keep their teeth in check with crustasans, got snails. Do they need salt? How much? What size tank will be suitable for the 2 of them? What else? I want to provide an excellent home for them. They are beautiful and I'll try to take a pic or two tomorow. Thanks everyone, I know you'll give me the scoop.
  19. Qattarra


    Wow he thinks he can just come in here and offer pics(which we live for), a hot topic(which we live for),relatives from Newfland(which we all have), and a very friendly greeting, and we're supposed to just welcome him in. Even though we are thrilled to have him join us, isn't that just like an american ...sheesh lmao ! Welcome aboard ! :beer: :beer: :beer:
  20. hummmm....flower pots in my tank, an underwater tarrace....hummmmm....imagination in overdrive...thinking hard now....I like it !
  21. Hummmm here's the plan.....I want to switch things up as it were. Now that I have the 60 gal, I want to make that the planted tank, and convert the 72 to a SA ,xtra large fish tank (better space). So what I had planned to do is start the 60 with some aquasoil, but what I'll do is just put a deeper layer of the garnet. Then I'll set up rock structures, wood eventually the plants. No more vacuuming then huh. I have Terrapur cone shaped fert blocks to bury under the plants. I have the seachem series of liquids and now co2 I have a pretty good idea which plants are doing well now and will look for the Limnophila spp. I picked up feather rock today at Cannar at .60 lbs. , along with some mexican rock (similar to lava). Neat stuff. Wasn't pleased with the sellection at Burnco, only thing I found there was the tuffa bolders, I didn't like it. Going to be busy next couple of days getting this all done. If it all looks good I'll post some pics. BTW are there plants I can put into a SA tank that will be safe from grazing fishes?
  22. Definately not overcrowded. I could put a wishlist together of fish I'd like to add for sure. It is planted and I'm trying to add a few more plants, doing devisions too. Some of the plants I had added simply melt and disappear. Of course the cripts do fine but so far the cobomba is either being devoured or just disappears. I have 2 very large pieces of wood and 3 medium to small ones so I think the best thing will be to add more cripts. I started a 2L co2 yesturday with the tube going into the filter intake, so I'll give it 2 weeks to see how things progress. I'll soon make some changes, maybe get everyone out and add some "dirt" then the gravel back in, and then the plants and fish. I think most of the other plants will do better that way. I am learning so much from everyone and having great successes that I am sssooooo loving this hobby.
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