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Everything posted by skidbro

  1. Gassing is a good strategy for nerites and MTS as they depend on the water and have gills - but pond snails, ramhorns and apples have lungs and are air breathers. Generally snails do surprisingly well in low oxygen environments, and simply by frequenting the oxygen rich surface. Also a warning, if successful in a sudden large scale die off by gassing or chemical treatment, the collective decaying biomass could foul the water and seriously damage plants and block light intake with cloudy water.
  2. Are you sure the plywood will still be soft enough to kick the door out of the frame with an aquarium on top? Backless and covered at the front is not at all what I'm used to with stands, but it seems to match your existing furniture. Keep it up!
  3. Fascinating, let those of us unable to attend know how it was afterwards!
  4. I've seen silicone smeared over foam and then large grain sand sprinkled on top for an amazing natural look that belonged more in a fresh water tank. Can't wait to see the results of your fine grain and Z-poxy project!
  5. I'll be soaking them until the end of October change the water weekly, then the boiling will begin! Thanks for the tips guys, I will try the Glenmore overpass next chance I get and post results.
  6. I had a snail plague tank of Marisa cornuarietis, the apple snail that breeds underwater and MTS. Probably several hundred snails in just a 15 gallon tank. Introduced a few assassins to the tank and now they are the only snail species. The assassins reproduced and I have 20 or so now and now they are a bit lonely without anything living to eat. EDIT: I meant to add that draining all the water will NOT kill apple snail nor harm the eggs.
  7. I went hunting for some good sun bleached pieces in the SE portion of the bow in Calgary, somewhat successful in finding some smaller pieces. The bulkier ones might look nice with java moss growth, however the best pieces where attached to trunks and impossible to remove without a saw. The vast majority of pieces of driftwood in the bow are rounded logs. There was a sign indicating chemical treatment of the area these logs where collected, will this be a problem? Next step is to boil them. Measuring tape is at 2 feet. http://i.imgur.com/5xD2K.jpg Found some interesting wood pieces attached to large piece. http://i.imgur.com/mQAqh.jpg http://i.imgur.com/QU5kC.jpg
  8. Hey DIYers, one of the most beautiful pieces in a natural looking aquarium in my opinion is the driftwood. In the past I've bought all of mine in stores and despite high cost had plenty of problems with releasing tannins into my smaller tanks. I'm ready to experiment using river driftwood along the Bow River in Calgary. I know that conifers such as pine have harsh chemicals like turpentine leach out even with old pieces, so I want to be careful with which ones I pick. I intend to immerse them in boiling water several times before introducing them to the tank. Here is an example of the wood I've seen on the river bed. A couple of question with regards to these, is it legal to remove from the river in the city? Is this kind of wood safe for the aquarium? Thoughts? Thanks in advance.
  9. Most fish (excluding herbivores) will eat any shrimp that fit in their mouths, particularly the small hatchlings. Flake foods are made of shrimp meal, so most have been effectively training their fish to know the scent as food. Many fishkeepers watch in horror as minutes after adding shrimp to the tank all have been eaten or killed.
  10. I'm shooting in the dark but I was wondering if it had an effect on sexual reproduction, some algae use spores to mix genes and a UV sterilizer might render these inert or damage them. After all, if your sterilizing all the water at roughtly 3 or 4 times an hour then it might seriously hinder algae and other plants.
  11. Does using a UV sterilizer have a negative effect on the surface algae that shrimp forage on?
  12. skidbro


    Welcome, glad the bug has bitten you. What kind of tank and fish?
  13. None of my many bettas changed so dramatically as yours, is this a change from adolescence to maturity in these?
  14. skidbro

    Hey Hey

    Hello, welcome to Calgary
  15. 16 Sunshine Guppies 7 Baby Blue Guppies 2 Assorted Guppies 4 Gold/black Mollys 2 Dwarf Gouramis 3 Red Finned shark 1 ~ Pleco 1 ~ Catfish ~ Assassin Snails ~ Nerite Snails ~ Apple Snails
  16. skidbro


    I should also mention I'm big DIY fan and shy away from as seen on tv merchandizing of the aquarium and fish keeping.
  17. skidbro


    Hello, I'm from Calgary I raise principally sunshine and baby blue guppies. I have two 40 gallon community tanks and two 10 gallon nurseries. I am very interested in the hobbyist community and am always looking to connect with other hobbyist to swap populations. Nice to meet everyone in and around Alberta, I hope to learn from you guys and share what I've learned myself.
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