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Everything posted by Vallisneria

  1. I get the temp right and then fill. If you fill with straight cold the temp in the tank would drop too much. That might be ok in some situations like doing a small WC or trying to get certain fish to breed but not in most cases. I drain, get the water temp right(just by feel) and then fill. I add my prime to the tank, some at the beginning and some at the end for good measure.
  2. Excellent, looks like my fish route is coming together. Any other LFS in that area I should know about?
  3. Great thanks. I had planned on checking out Gold's, Riverfront and BA as they all seemed to be fairly close and on my way out of the city. I guess I'll throw in Pisces now too. I'm excited since I've never been to any of the calgary stores before. Hoping to cram as many as I have time for on sunday. Thanks!
  4. Hey, I'm going down to calgary this weekend and was wondering what LFS might be open on Sunday? Is Gold's still around? Its website isn't working anymore.
  5. Are you sure its Ich? Was there no change at all after using the treatments?
  6. I like the Shelldweller idea. Some multies would be really cool. I've kept a couple species of shellies and the multies were my favorite. They were the most active and didn't hide in their shells as much. A couple shell piles on oposite sides of the tank and you could watch them build different territories and stuff. Mine were constantly bulldozing the sand around and moving their shells. A real fun tank to watch.
  7. Great, maybe I'll try one out then as I have a little bit of BBA on one of my plants that my SAE isn't touching
  8. Cool little fish. I saw them at AC but didn't know much about them. Have you noticed him eating the BBA at all? Wondering if it might be a good alternative to a SAE.
  9. They should be fine with plants if they are Tylomenia sp. Thats what I was told at AC, thats what I found on the internet, and they haven't touched any of my plants so far and I have 2 different species in 2 different planted tanks. So you should be fine
  10. They are held at Allendale Community Hall 6330 - 105 A st. Starts at 7:30. I'm not sure what the topic is for the Jan meeting. Usually we have speakers, bowl shows, or some type of presentation, plus a raffle.
  11. Yeah and I have a tankful of yellow shrimp in with Assassin snails no problems. Its got me rethinking my idea of picking up a few of those Orange snails from AC and pairing them with Orange shrimp.
  12. My spotted snails are in with some amano shrimp and a couple cherries and so far I haven't seen any issues. I'll keep an eye out. You'd think a shrimp would be quick enough to dart away if it feels a snail touching it.
  13. Found second spotted baby I can't wait for the orange rabbits to come in now. These snails are kind of cool. I have to say the chocolates aren't my favorite. I don't really like the way they look with the sandstone kind of shell and they aren't as active as my spotted. Hopefully the babies look cooler then the adults. I'm curious as to what their shells look like without the coating. Grow babies grow!
  14. Found what might be a spotted baby. It looks an awful lot like the chocolates as its shell is all brown, no white tip. Its in with the spotteds so I'm assuming its theirs. These are also some of the dumbest snails I've owned. They aren't very good at moving around and are constantly falling off the glass, decorations and plants. Then they spend the rest of the day trying to right themselves. They are a little clumsy and its kind of funny to watch them drag their big shells around. My peacock gudgeon is not very fond of them being in their tank and any time they move he flares at them and stands guard, flaring his fins with his head down. Its kind of funny to watch. He gets pretty mad considering the snail is bigger then he is :P
  15. I heard they take a long time to grow. So I wonder how long it will take the babies to reach a sellable size. 2 months, 3 months, 6 months?
  16. Man, that is a lot of cash invested in snails. Hopefully your little breeding setup works for you. I definitely want to get some of the orange rabbits. Did he say when the next order will be? I spotted another baby chocolate, so that makes 2! Still haven't seen any from the spotted ones.
  17. My houdini snail reappeared this morning. No idea where he was hiding but glad he's back. I also noticed a tiny chocolate snail baby! Pretty cool :thumbs:
  18. I seem to have lost one of my chocolates. I can't find him anywhere, moved stuff around the tank looking for him. He's not in the filter or outside the tank. Not even an empty shell. Its a mystery :boxed: Hopefully I'm just blind and he turns up. I do have to revise my original comment about them being able to flip over fine. I definitely have noticed a difference compared to my other snails. If they fall off the glass or a plant they do have a harder time or righting themselves.
  19. I also had a similar experience with amanos and my angel. They weren't full adult sized amanos , they were more around 1 1/2" but I dropped in 12 and I stood there and watched all 60$ worth of shrimp get eaten in a minute. After that I don't trust adding anything shrimpy to my angel tank. I was also worried when I added my Rummynose school as a couple were a little bit smaller but they seem to be doing fine. They got chased for the first few days but the angel didn't eat any. Now they are fine together. If you want angels I suggest buying 2 that are already paired or buying a group of 5-6 and letting them pair up themselves and removing the rest. Just putting 2 angels together will probably result in one getting beat up.
  20. It does take a long time to see a dent in a large snail population. I had a ton of pond and ramshorn snails in my 10g shrimp tank. I added 4 assassin snails and it took weeks before I noticed the population going down and thats why a bare bottom tank where I could see any empty shells. I also added 4 to my 20g that I was noticing lots of tiny baby ramshorns on everything. I added them about 2 weeks ago and I can't see any difference in the ramshorn population. Anyone know how much or how often a assassin kills another snail? They obviously don't go on a murderous rampage killing every snail they see. So do they eat 1 snail a day, every few days, a week? Anyone know?
  21. Does HC have different leaves for emersed vs submerged, like when you buy a sword plant thats been grown emersed and it changes its leaves once its in water?
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