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Everything posted by zoopkamol

  1. zoopkamol


    Oh oh ..incoming another planted guru. Welcome aboard
  2. UV sterilizer is a stand alone submersible. Looked at ones for filter system and didn't like any I seen. Once girlfriend gets home and hopefully locates her camera. Pics be on way
  3. This will be my first of many journals. currently have 7 tanks setup ranging from a 15gallon Betta to my 180 gallon community. Ok lets start with some basic info Tank is a 2'x2'x6' tank 2 x 300w heaters 13w uv sterilizer filter is FX5 and a 30ish gallon sump (not fully setup yet) Stock: 1 red tail shark 15 tiger barbs 16 boes rainbows 10 dwarf neon rainbows 4 albino BBC 1 opaline gourami (rehomed here) 1 clown loach (5 died due too itch) 20+ ottos Not best mix but no real issues in tank. Decor is 30% of tank is a driftwood maze. at least 12 chunks in tank. real and fake plants Basic idea of tank. Will post some pics soon and few more details too Thanks for reading.
  4. Can buy "large clothes clamps" dollar store for 1.50 for 10 or so works good for holding.
  5. I never heard of issues with acrylic tanks leaching lethal chemicals (others might have other experiences) Never owned a acrylic tank before either few questions that i think of is 1.was the tank FULLY cycled before adding any fish or shrimps 2.what size of tank ..gallon wise and dimensions 3.ich is a b*tch you can think you got it all and it rears its ugly head 4. what type and size of filters on tank ammonia can kill fish fast even when you think its at zero and it is not. water parameters now PH, temp, nitrite, nitrates ammonia water changes how much and often just trying to get more info so we can help ya Hope all works out for you
  6. I run a 200w on a 75 temperature goes +- 1 degree. Have set for 81 temp low is 80 high might hit 81.5. 300w on a 90 will work np. Could get away with a 200w I bet with little temperature fluctuations. My 200w on a 2315.
  7. Wave ..nice assortment of fishes. welcome aboard
  8. sounds like every cory i ever owned or own. any movement in front of tank and poof there magicians. questions on tank : size gallon wise and footprint my other concern is the numbers of each species ..should be 5-6 of each at a minimal (why i asked footprint) love my cories very fun to watch, nightime more then lighttime ember tetras are social too 5-6 minimal there too if tank size allows (i dont want an overstockd tank either) and lastly WELCOME to forum lots of good peeps and even better advice
  9. could also try variation to J. blow on output side until you can see water moving up the intake hose have someone else plug it in as you suck till water is ALMOST at your mouth then pray to the evil canister gods to work. OR if that fails build an pvc diy overflow and add a sump and pump gotta love/hate canisters
  10. have an air gap somewhere is my guess...i pinhole will break suction. i just love canisters for priming issues
  11. Loaches took over PS4 already. ..found Netflix app and watch Finding Nemo and Free Willy when I'm at work.
  12. oooppps my bad then ...60" tv in fish room with full cable/ps4/xbox1/pvr..... i doing something wrong i guess lol
  13. Hate shark week... actually don't hate but they over advertise it. I don't need 1474775 hrs about sharks.
  14. All my future tanks are insta cycled. helps when you have 6 other tanks running. And 2 large sumps with lotsa media that can be used...only cycled my first tank rest were insta cycled with no issues.
  15. I order form Canadian Aquatics http://www.canadianaquatics.com/equipment/equipment.htm Shipping is decent and prices are fairly cheap for what you get. ordered 4lbs of various ferts with delivery to edmonton about 45-50$ lasts forever too
  16. I ordered 3 branch like manzanita driftwood from www.manzanita-driftwood.com on June 24 and finally got them yesterday. Love the branches they are beyond sweet...however the customer service I got from them was the worst I ever gotten. Ordered on 24 June a Tue. They ship on Mon/Tue so I expected to be shipped by the 31st. No updates from them by July 3 so I started emailing them daily with no response at all... 9 emails later and nothing then I got an email from PayPal that items are shipped on July 8. 15 days after order with no contact at all from them. Got fast replies from them up to payment then nothing. Got July 28 finally 35 days after payment. Bottom line nice product but crappy service after payment. I would not order from them again just on service alone..however if you want some nice wood at a decent cost I would recommend them. Just needed to vent ..thanks for reading
  17. option for clear/white is if pledges reach 26k or so. I got the remote one also
  18. Should work on any regulator with an solenoid. Too my best knowledge. the controller one that is. The monitor one just gives you the ppm concentration.
  19. Level in corners first then fill in spaces with shims too snug fit so supported across the length of tank. Other shims just help keep more stable if that makes sense. on my 6' tank I used around 15 shims on 6' side and 5 on the 2' sides so stand is supported all around. Really 3 shims leveled tank rest just for my peace of mind
  20. always best to level tank to avoid any stress on glass. At the very least styrofoam under it.....i would level it for safety. 75 gallons of water on a floor= not fun
  21. Wal-Mart cheaper then HD
  22. Where am I on this. Aquarium - 15 gallon heater -50w ehiem substrate -black sand stand - overbuilt 2x4 Plants - on order filter -sponge with whisper air pump (seeded) thanks sumps!! temp -floating thermometer light -18" florescent decor -driftwood, silk plants Fish - betta and pygmy cories (still need to buy once setup) Am I missing anything crucial or general stuff?
  23. Update. temp 85-86 Salted and added very small dosage of rid-ich I hate ich. .. All my loaches died except my 6". No spots on him that I see. Uv sterilizer be here on Friday. Will help me with breakout and hopefully I will never see it again. Gonna get more loaches once ich is gone. .can't keep a single one..he needs buddies. 3 QT tanks now setup. Various sizes 15, 20, 30 for multiple fish buy at same time. Might toss some smaller fish I QT to keep sponge filter going or just toss rinsed filter in sumps to maintain bacteria. I will not loss another fish to ich after this battle.
  24. Ya I know clowns and ich go hand in hand. Just found second loach dead from ich. Poor little guy had 12 or so white spots on him.... I check fish at least twice a day make sure everything looks ok... didn't see this coming until too late. Big loach seems sad now as he looks for his bestie.
  25. Found an submersible uv sterilizer with built in pump for up too 280gal tank $100. Thinking on just getting it...as cost for a larger clown costing 50-60 so for 100 bucks I can prevent losing another clown...worth every cent. I Will up quarantine time too a month and look into treatment you do..as sounds likable a good plan
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