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Calgary & Area Member
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Everything posted by sharon

  1. Thanks Vic, that's what I wanted to know. I buy most of my plants from LFS, but between Ward and I we are doing 3 aquariums with plants and adding to two others, so yes major bulk buuying. Thanks :bow:
  2. They have a shop here in Canada, which avoids the hassle. I am more concerned with quality of the product. I am hoping to find some one who has some experience with this company, either good or bad. :eh:
  3. Yes, definately paying attention to those.
  4. Has anyone tried this place out http://www.aquariumplants.com/ I'm planning on starting a large planted aquarium, and this might be the way to go.
  5. sharon

    New to AA Hello

    Welcome :welcome: So now you have to decide what you want to put in it :eh: decisions decisions!!
  6. I have had that problem before. Try taking it apart again and as you put each part back in make sure it is fitting snuggly together and in line. fill it almost to the top with water and let it sit for about 5 minutes before you put the top back on it, this gives it a chance to let all the air bubbles to escape. when you put the lid back on double check all the baskets are lined up, close it up cross your fingers and toes, do a little prayer and plug her in. :eh:
  7. sharon

    filter died

    What kind of filter
  8. I have heard of some fish being able to change sexes in the absence of males or females, I am not sure what kind they were., but usually they would be juveniles not mature females that have already produced http://www.sciencenews.org/pages/sn_edpik/ls_4.htm http://www.marinebiology.org/fish.htm http://westgroup.icapb.ed.ac.uk/SexChange.html
  9. Welcome to AA :thumbs: :welcome:
  10. I have the same reasons. The water is easy to maintain, nice looking fish, lots to choose from, they actally have personality and learn to recognise who feeds them.
  11. It's an 80 gallon, I will watch once winter sets in, but I might check out in line heaters yet also. I'm playing with this to see what I can do.
  12. It is right beside the buble wand, so far temp is fine, I have monitored it in side and out and it is the same. one day the blue gravel will go.
  13. I considered that, It is 4 times the width, with openings on the side, and the bottom 3" of the heater still out in the open.
  14. Well I am trying to find a way to cover up hardware in the Aquarium. So this is what I have come up with so far. This I put together in a day, it covers the heater. I am planning to make another one to cover the filter intake then try to make a background to blend it all together.
  15. Apistogrammas and Rams (Ramirezi ) are small (1.5 -2.5" ) south American Cichlids. http://www.cichlid-forum.com/profiles/results.php?genus=9 Probably good at a 1male to 3 female ratio.
  16. Is there a bubble wand, powerhead or something similar in the tank that might be blowing air into the take up filter??
  17. welcome :welcome:
  18. in my large mbuna tank any plant is fair game.
  19. I am battling Algae but not that bad :boxer:
  20. sharon


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