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Everything posted by Menagerie

  1. Wow!! I hope you give a presentation to the CAS soon -ham-
  2. That's great!! How old are the little ones now?
  3. I've never seen the blue variety, however, these buggers were sold as O golds from a breeder. As for raising the fry~that was taken out of my hands by a hungry S. petricola. That's okay because we are planning a big move and they will spawn again.
  4. Here's where the mother told me to leave her alone!
  5. Actually, I cannot tell the degus apart yet. I'm a bad mommy :cry: but, the cats love them. Here are Squirrel and Josie watching the Degus sleep. My cats are not the brightest crayons in the box
  6. I like small animals, which would explain the large amount of fish I keep that are 3" or under :baby: Here is Saprykin.
  7. Is that what the problem is?!?! To think, I was actually starting to believe the media :boom:
  8. Toirtis and Tanked~ Are either of you trying to breed your wonderful cories?
  9. My Q was a joke, but that's interesting info about the filming. Maybe now I can take some worth while photos!
  10. It's the most stable ich infection I have ever seen :smokey:
  11. Great shot! How long will he hold that
  12. I have no idea what L number this pleco is. When I bought him, he was sold as a something Bristle Nose pleco. I call him a Spotted Bristle Nose pleco. Oh well, I shoud lhave been paying more attention, instead of starting at the other fish tanks :drool:
  13. Finally, our amazing hunter, Josie. She will only approach the gerbil balls when they are stuck
  14. This is our retirement cat, Spice.
  15. This is Squirrel on her former favorite bed. As of last night, that tank has a hood!!
  16. Beautiful tanks! I have two procrastination tanks in my office
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