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Everything posted by lilwolfe

  1. Well the female betta Blackmumba gave me is super agressive about her food. She's almost jumped out of her tank twice for food. She's quite agressive....which I like cause it gives her a personality. This is the female from Blackmumba. I may need to reconsider how I have all my tanks organized....baby bettas would be cute!
  2. i almost had her jump out of the tank when i went to feed her today. I've moved her into the same tank as my male (divided by a glass container open on both ends). If he didn't move so darn fast I would have some good flare pictures. And she's coloring up quite nicely. Can't wait to hear updates about your DTHMs!!!
  3. I would suggest covering any wholes around the filter/ heater on the back of the tank. I've had about ten escapees with snails before. generally if you find one and it looks "dry". If you put them back in the tank (i always put mine back into a net in the tank) and after 24 hours they tend to be okay and cruising. If you find one and he smells pretty rank.....chances are he didn't make it.
  4. its kinda cool with the two different lights, gives the illusion you have two tanks.
  5. ya, my husband is a camera hog too.
  6. I was preggers back in June/July, but miscarried. My husband and I are hoping to try again in October (happy birthday to me lol). Keep practicing with that camera and you'll be good at it some day. I still suck at it, but I'm getting better and better. the memory card in our camera has like 500 pics of half blurry, some good, and some bad pictures of all my fish. my favorite pics are always of my long fin goby. He always looks pissed off.
  7. thanks. It looks like my finches have some fertile eggs as well, and the honey gourami fry are doing better than the last batch I had. I'm just waiting for the rest of the females in this house to get knocked up....oh wait! that's only me left!! lol!
  8. I had a goldfish for 8 years, and a betta for 4.5 years...might have been five.
  9. It's not bad, i'll call him Lance for short....lol! I used to name all my bettas after characters in the Final Fantasy Video game series. I used to have a blue black orchid double ray crown tail male. He was so awesome, but alas he got old and went off to fishy heaven.
  10. it's like reliving high school biology all over again! time to dig out the Bio notes. lol. I look forward to seeing what my male helps produce. Thanks Q for helping me out! It is soooooo appreciated. You too Blackmumba!
  11. thanks for the links, I'll have to check them out. This should be a fun adventure for me. <giggles> I can't wait at this point. Should be fun! Now I have to survive the weekend without much access to internet, and I'll be okay. Heading up to my grandparents for their wedding anniversary, and they have dial up......<cringes> so I probably won't bother checking my email. Think I should come up with a name for my no name betta. Any ideas anyone!?
  12. Ya, he is pretty cool. I actually saw him out of the corner of my eye. I had no intention having any more bettas for a while, but I have a place in my heart for the black ones. I'm pretty open as far as what I like, reds, whites, blacks, darker shades of blue, green and copper. I've never really had a marble betta before, so I'm not sure if I would "love" it, but I'm sure I'd like it all the same. Is there a good site about betta genetics with breeding that I could read up on? Those are nice females, I kinda like the white ones more though.
  13. I'll keep my eyes out. Man I couldn't stop thinking about all my fish, and my betta last night. I think I only got three hours of sleep last night. Once I get thinking about something, it's hard for me to stop. I like challenges, and this will definitely be a different challenge for me. I told my husband about getting a female betta (notice i didn't mention breeding), and he didn't groan "oh ....another fish!"
  14. Okay, .....you're twisting my rubber arm........<laughs....I'm only already breeding society finches, and honey gouramis, why not add bettas to that>, so where would one go in search of a nice quality female for my guy?
  15. lol, if I had the time I would breed him. I may consider it yet. but I have my ten gallon full of honey fourami fry that just hatched out three days ago. If I did, what would be a good colour female to breed him with?
  16. Here is my betta, in his new house. So I'm technically back up to three tanks now. lol. down from six, and back up to three. Anyways here are some pics, and if I can, a video. I have a video uploaded to my Facebook page. PM me if you want to see it.
  17. Garter snakes are so beautiful.
  18. your fish always look good jonah. and ya, that plant grows like mad!
  19. he's looking really good jonah. can't wait for you to start breeding those two.
  20. Well, the fish weren't impressed with the rubbermaids, especially my pleco (he thrashed around for a while in there). But I was able to drain the water......and with the help of my husband, and his cousin, we slid it across the carpet and across the room to hopefully its last resting place until we get a house. I got the tank all set up and the fish all back in, and they seem happy now. No casualties which is a good thing. This was/ is something I don't want to do ever again if I can help it.
  21. that's too bad. your tank was starting to look nice again. <hugs>
  22. that's what i'll probably do. We were planning on eventually moving it to the other side of the room, I just didn't expect a deadline to be attached. It sucks cause I only have today to do it, cause tonight i'm leaving for a family reunion. Oh well, guess I can't procrastinate....wish me luck.
  23. looks like i have a lot of work ahead of me.....ugg. well nothing I can do but suck it up.
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