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Everything posted by lilwolfe

  1. I get notice today, that I have to have my fishtanks (along with everything else along certain walls) moved out two feet from the walls, so that they can install a new heating system. :mad: So, does anyone have any suggestions as to the easiest way of moving a 29 gallon fully stocked tank? Now I wish magic wands or genies in lamps were real.
  2. Those are some awesome photos. Some of the best I've ever seen.
  3. It's hard to tell which he is, but I guess we'll find out. He seems to be doing well in the tank. The apistos are doing well too.
  4. I did get it from petland. Apparently they got a bunch in, and put them in a tank.....then all of a sudden they were all gone. Which means they are more than like gone through the filter system and in other tanks now. I found this guy in with the flying foxes. I am starting to like gobies more and more. I now have this little guy and my long fin goby. Oh and they are for brackish water, but I have read (in quite a few different posts all over) of people who keep them in with fresh water communities. Just keep your eye out in the PL tanks and more are likely to turn up.
  5. Here are a couple new pictures of my new fish. This is (from what I was told) a bumblebee goby. It is so cute. This is the awesome looking male apisto I got from fatpuffer today. Hopefully more (and better) pics to come soon.
  6. it's cute whatever it is.
  7. I'm definitely will be keeping my eye on them. :thumbs: For sure let me know if you ever decide to part with any more.
  8. Here are all three apistos. My male is on the right (strutting), the two new ones are on the left....the female is up top, and the male on the left: Here are the two males trying to show each other off. So far it has all been show: Here is my male with the female. She seems to be following him around a lot. She doesn't really stray to far from him: Here is the female I got from fatpuffer: So far all seems well in the tank. The keyholes are curious of the new inhabitants, but stay their distance. I love the new additions and will be watching to see if any lil baby apistos will be on the way.
  9. don't worry, they are doing fine so far. the two males are strutting their stuff for the female....and so far my male is winning from the looks of it. I'll post some pictures soon.
  10. ya....so...I'll definately call you tomorrow (jonah). I would definately like those apistos. I've rearranged the 29 to better suit them. All the fish in general seem to be happier. I'll post some pics of the new set up as soon as I pick up new batteries for the camera tomorrow. kind of drained them trying to get pics of the apisto.
  11. here is my apisto. fatpuffer gave it to me when it was a fry. oh and here is a good picture of my long fin goby:
  12. same here. nothin' but NLS :bow: :thumbs:
  13. Well I never had goldfish for for the last eighteen years. swore I would never get them again (can't remember why). But then you find one, and it all starts over again. Well here is Krang...the one that started my gold fish love all over again: Here is my newest ...Frankenfish: Here is their new setup (plans to upgrade filter soon....needs moola): The little pearlscale on the far left is Blinkin. He was my going away gift when I left Petland. There is a plan to put an ornament in there one day, but I'm too cheap to spend the 40+ on the pirate ship I want. Oh and for Jonah, here is a picture of my apisto all growed up:
  14. I would say this weekend, but even though they are my days off I am slammed. I'll have to look at my schedule and then Pm you.
  15. Your fish always look awesome. One of these days I should try and get some apistos from you.
  16. It looks awesome.....better than anything I would've imagined using it for. good to see that it is serving you well.
  17. Yay!!! now I can name the little guy. He's quite fish!
  18. Jonah, The pic of the apisto is pretty much exactly what mine looks like. My batteries died in my camera, and I haven't been able to get a pic for lack of new batteries. so....boy....or girl?
  19. is that the 2.5 I gave you!! wow it looks awesome. glad to see it serves many purposes.
  20. you're EBJD is looking super great!! Still competing with RD. for the better looking fish? :boxer:
  21. lilwolfe


    Ya I think I proved that somehow by some act of god....atleast one of three wigglers will survive in one of my tanks on it's own. Congrats on the new batch. And for sure let me know when you have some available. You should see how big that apisto is getting.....It's well over an inch now. I'm really gonna try and get some pictures of it so that you can tell me whether or not it is a male or female. I would definately love more apistos....they are so pretty. I'm thinking about getting rid of all my balloon mollies....they are starting to annoy me. Plus I really prefer the calmness of the apisto, my long fin goby, and my various honey gouramis.
  22. get my imagination going.....and makes me want to create a bunch of them!!! my husband is going to go insane.
  23. I've raised two successful batches of honey gourami fry. I for the first little while just used wardley's liquid fry food, and would grind up NLS flakes super small. the flakes would get caught up in the plastic plant that I had floating....and I would see that from time to time, they would seem to nibble at it. When they get bigger (about the age when you can actually tell that they are lil baby honey gourami's, about 1/3 of a cm) they seem to start eating small pieces of crushed up NLS flakes. I've even have one try it's hardest to eat a tiny piece of blood worm that accidently fell into their trap when I was feeding my pea puffers. For now I just have the fry in a breeder trap. Before they had their own 10 g tank that I wasn't using for anything else. I am hoping to get rid of my snails, and move my gold fish into that tank.....then give the fry the goldfish tank.
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