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Calgary & Area Member
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Everything posted by Trooper

  1. I could loan ya a couple 33's if that would help. They need a little cleaning.. but they will hold water.
  2. Your the king of contradictions Sam Chicklets.
  3. No need for a picture... It's broken and thats all there is too it. A small crack is the same as it being cracked from one end to the other, and from top to bottom. It has zero strength left in the panel.
  4. Agreed, with a tank that size you need to fix it properly. 300 is robbery!
  5. Trooper


    Jorg, hats off to ya man... I couldn't imagine having to do water runs! You are one dedicated aquarium enthusiast.
  6. Trooper

    vol 3

    PM me if ya want my electricians #.. He's a good guy, and will not charge you a fortune.
  7. Trooper

    vol 3

    The cold room is taking heat from your tanks, thus costing more to heat your tanks via aquarium heaters...
  8. Trooper

    vol 3

    If you heat the room, your lower tanks will be the coolest. And obviously the higher tanks will be the hottest. Place fish and tanks according to your heating requirements. I heat some medicated tanks, and fry tanks a little extra. My middle shelf tanks stay at 81.7 and plus 2 or minus 2 for above and below. I have a great electrician if ya need him Carol.
  9. You got potential RD.... :thumbs:
  10. Cheers to that Kris. :beer: And sweet find Trixie. That answers alot of my questions.
  11. I ordered a whole bunch of LED moonlights for some of my tanks. I have yet to set them up, but I can't wait to do it. I've read that some people say it will help with breeding some species.
  12. I'm not sure about their parenting habits. They were always with other fish, I just let them do their own thing. Only stripped the fry one time ( straight into the baby bank. ) Try leaving them in the tank, only time will tell if they eat their young.
  13. Hey Wendy, congrats on the little ones. Do you have the Brevis in their own little tank? I would pull the babies anyhow. Even if you get a breeder trap and line it with pantyhose, they will do well in there. For feeding, definately go with BBS. They even offer a smaller product that is a powder. That would be best for those little guys. How many did you recover? If needed, I have some food for ya! Let me know if your in the area and I'll leave some in the mailbox for you. No charge of course.
  14. I agree...likely your problem, and if this sort of cleaning is not done ever 4 weeks or so, chances are the filter will not self-start if you have a power-cut (even a 3 second one). You can usually feel the motor is hot when it is stuck. If it was cold and not working, you can garauntee a short or seized.
  15. That sounds like the best option.... And this way I can get everypossible inch under there. Thank ya!
  16. I'll get some better shots after I get everything in order. The tank underneath will be added in a month or two. I might be able to squeeze a 100 gallon under there, but have filtration to consider. Are there many canisters that run efficiently on pretty much the same level as the tank?? Thoughts are appreciated.
  17. I plan on building an exact replica of that aquarium, only 1 % the size though..
  18. Sand Divers means exactly what it sounds like, they dive into sand! They do this when you try to net them. I imagine they would do the same in the wild to avoid confrontation. These guys started to color up at about 4 inches, or close to. It would depend on the group though.
  19. One of these days some one is gonna ask how I take such awesome pictures.. till then. and yes I know they are sand divers. Nobody has to remind me of that! ha This is just a grow out tank.
  20. Trooper


    I usually put mine beside the tank. Sorry Marcus I had to I wouldn't expect any less from you Tim!
  21. Trooper


    How many of ya put your heaters in past the water level line?
  22. Cool Fish! I should have some in a few days.. How big is that guy right now?
  23. Put the styrofoam under there and fill'er up. Any stress will be relieved by styro. You have the styrofoam sticking out all the way around the perimeter??? right.
  24. Thanks Will. I have done my apprenticeship as a cabinet maker and work with engineers and designers for renos. Many people under estimate strength from design. I appreciate your thoughts. PL400, Glued, Screwed, and 16 Gauge nails. Dimensions are 78 x 25 on the base. The glass is 1/2 inch thick. I'm not certain on the total weight of contents, but I would say 180 lbs of sand, 200 lbs of rocks and 250 gallons of water x 8.33 lbs equals a total of approx 2460 lbs.
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