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Everything posted by JORG

  1. I like the Rena XP4 I have a bunch of them running. I will slowly switch all my canisters over to them
  2. You can agree or disagree doesn't matter to me. I know where I will spend my money when I need a good reliable easy to maintain canister filter and I can guarantee it won't be on a new or used ehiem classic.
  3. How big do they grow ? Have you tried them with butter and garlic ?
  4. Thanks much Ron! So what do you use JORG? A fan and a wind sock? Nope wind powered filters are old school I now use solar powered filters
  5. Care to elaborate? I have several Eheims and I have no complaints. The Classic line isn't my favourite but there are lots of fans out there. Personally I don't buy used, I don't trust anyone else's cleaning and I am too lazy to have to give everything a good clean. If I ended up buying used, I would replace all the media and hoses. You may as well have bought new and saved the hassles. If you still want to buy used, ask to see it run; it would suck to get it set up and find out the main seal is leaking. Good luck. Ron I have 2 classics here. In my opinion they are the worst canisters I own. They are hard to pull apart for cleaning,flimsy hoses,poor hose connections,round design doesn't hold enough media,weak main seal,impeller shaft easily broken,media and replacement parts are expensive. I think they are outdated and should be put to sleep.
  6. they are crap anyhow makes no difference if they work or not
  7. If you are referring to the red peacock with the blue face that is a German red and I do have them available right now - males and females. I'm sure that is a red eureka Harold
  8. my red bat stopped working too
  9. Ok a few more then I'm done for the week Protomelas spilonotus -- born and raised here Copadichromis trewavasae -- born and raised here German red peacock -- also born and raised here Protomelas fenestratus juvie starting to color up aslo born and raised here. Tropheus moori sp. black flame bemba Tropheus moori I think they were called kiriza can't remember right now they came from punman C.reticulatus
  10. Some more recent shots Apistogramma sp. sunset male Apistogramma sp. sunset female H. frankei tetras Little C. hastatus ? Smokey Bleeding heart Catfish I forget what kind Catfish also forgot the name L-163
  11. Few more from last weekend Rainbow pariba Pinoy pariba Another Rainbow pariba I think Cyp Geo L-330 watermelon L-134 leopard frog Mylochromis gracils Strawberry peacock
  12. I been trying to get mine filled up for a long time --- it must be broken or something. I think my avatar is broken too :cry:
  13. Who has them? What kind? Sounds expensive... You will have to ask Harold
  14. That is bad news :cry: --- but you could make yourself happy with a colony of 20+ Tropheus that I hear is available.
  15. Yup I think you guys are correct the closest I found was C-126 but it is missing the blotch on the dorsal fin.
  16. Some pics from the cellar Pearl scale zebra smokey Pearl scale smokey Pearl scale pinoy paribas Aulonocara sp Lwanda L-199 chilling by his cave Unidentified cory - got around 50 of them mixed in with cory hastatus on the last order
  17. They are great plecos and they are always out and about
  18. took a few pics at Harolds place today L190 - panaque nigrolineatus L- 163 splash tetras Aguaronichthys torosus LDA031 Panaque albomaculatus Serrasalmus elongatus - pike piranhas L-046 L-240 Altolamprologus compressiceps (gold heads)
  19. Yes they will cross breed if you are planning on selling or giving away any offspring it would be best to separate them for breeding.
  20. Any chance you can find some Apistogramma Macmasterri "Super Red" ?? Super reds are a domestic line bred variety so no chance of getting them from the S.A exporters as they only sell wild caught fish
  21. 5-6 inch fish, what size pellets are you using ? For that size you should be using the 1 mil pellet maybe the 2 mil if you don't overfeed.
  22. I have the same problem when I feed pellets that are too big for the fish - try using a smaller size. I also feed only what the fish can eat in 30 seconds or so.
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