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Southern Alberta Member
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Everything posted by Ryan

  1. The trick to discus is water and food. I dont do anything to my water exept heat it and bubble it for 24 hours there is another guy here in town that does the same thing. Andy and I got our fish well one of my fish from the same person. That is another big factor good breedeers. I would highly recomend golds and river front. Once you have it down do a order from a breeder. as for your 20% weekly it could be done if it was a 50 gallon tank with 2 discus but hey 2 discus just doenst work unless they are a pair. You can raise discus in a planted tank it is harder because of once again water quality issues so i would grow them in a BB then once they are adults transfer them over to a planted tank. Edited for content - Albert
  2. wow is that ever a nice fish. I would have taken the barb too
  3. Thanks he is one of the better out of the tank. Ya i seen that. I figured they were fed hormone based foods. If they dont turn out right i could always sell them or trade them. I have kinda been thinking of doing a GLD order but i cant seem to find anyone who is looking to order fish.
  4. Yup 15.66 a peice. I took more pics today. maybe once they are resized i will post them on the weekend.
  5. Hahah u guys r going to hate me but i got them from Pet Land and another LFS
  6. NICE what is it BD or Ocean Green?
  7. Makes me want to get into rams again. Nice fish.
  8. Ryan

    Dog Pics

    My Dog. Third best hunting dog i know. Bailey is an Irish Setter, 4 years old bought from Sporting Dog Ranch in Hanna Alberta. She has had one littler in the summer of '03 favourtie thing hunting phesants. Sorry for the bad pic i will try to find our USB cable for the other camera SOMEONE LOST IT :boom: Little dog is Casey she is a pomeranian pekenese and the ugly white one is my sister. Bailey is Pure Bred CKC registered
  9. I am running 2 30 watt blue a 30 watt Flouresent and a 60 watt indacesant. But i have a PC Retro here and a MH. i cant seem to find moss around here just anubias and java ferns anyone near who has some?
  10. I traded my RS and GP for some RT's last week. SOrry I havent had time to load the photos. I think 15.66 per fish was a steal anyway traded plants too got 3 over all then bought 2 more got some other fish too. Link to pictures below http://www.simplydiscus.com/forum/showthre...02&page=1&pp=15
  11. Java fern is too big something that doesnt grow more than 2 or 3 inches tall. I have tried anubias with little growing sucess. This long is standing straight up and i want some plants on it not only for cover but for when i ave fry thry have a place to rest, feed, and hide.
  12. I am looking for a small fast growing plant that will attatch to Drift wood. Anyone have any ideas.
  13. I know someone trying to breed those black rays with the yellow spots
  14. Hahaha ya but i got my self 3 nice little RT's from there bought 2 more from another LFS. Payed 8 dollars a fish. and the 3 from pet land i got free. I will send you pics in a bit. They even come to my hand but not when i got food in it. O well they will learn. Any way u still trying to get rid of your fish or r u keeping them now.
  15. So r u going to sell these 2 once paired?
  16. Thems look like the 2 i was looking at. I took your advise and i am buying more discus. Pet Land has em for 15.99 each 2 - 3 inches
  17. Kent top stuff. I have also used red sea. That stuff you get on sale at Petcetra. Works awsome but i think kent is better.
  18. Umm one quick note. I would only do this if you had a big tank. Maroons chase to kill. Those 2 look to be about the same size which isnt good. One should always be bigger than the other. I am sure you have taken the proper precautions though right. Nice fish. They both look to be fairly large are you sure u will get a pair maybe u should have gotten a smaller one. Also 13 second into the vid there is something in the top left corner pops in and out what is it.
  19. Finaly. I have been trying to see this. I have seen the pairs in real life and the size difference is un real but i have nere actualy seen the pairing process.
  20. Horntwort works good we use it in our pond and the koi like to swim through it. Then there is another plant feather something i cant rememebr the name but it gets planted on land then grows over top of the water. Combomba works good too. THe trick is not to ever due the plants. Also remeber that koi will stir up the gravel in the tank so put wieghts on the plants or put the plants in pots. :thumbs:
  21. My recomendation is to breed what i call everyone fish and one or 2 rarer fish. Like breed guppies, angels, and popular african then a rarer species like Calvus cichlids, dicus or something else not alot of people have or try to breed. This way you have fish that you are gaurenteed to sell and some that are worth alot bu not alot of people are looking for mainly the specialty hobbiest.
  22. If you dont like them dont buy them. Just because you dont like them doesnt mean that people that are keeping africans for looks dont like them. mike is right the colours on them fish is wicked he will have no problem selling them.
  23. Why would you avoid it? He sells good fish.
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