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Looking for info on "dracena sandriana"


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One of my LFSes sells a nice-looking plant under the name "dracena sandriana". The specimens they have are "tall" like a stem plant (about 6 to 10 inches or so) with white edging on the leaves (green in the middle). The leaves are quite large and wide.

I've Googled the name and suspect the LFS has it wrong, because the results that come up are for plants grown in greenhouses, and none of them look the same. Google suggested a similar spelling, "dracaena sandriana" but that didn't yield anything either.

There was one search result, on this page, where the plant pictured looks very similar (here is a bigger pic) but the page isn't in English and nor is the plant an "exact match" for what I've seen in the store. The one in the pic looks short and bushy (but perhaps it's just the angle), but the leaves are right.

I'd like to get some info on it before I buy it, to know if it needs special care, how big it gets, etc etc. Does anyone know about this plant?

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It isn't a true aquatic

Blacklisted Plants

These plants are so-called ``blacklisted'' because though they are sold under the guise of being true aquatic plants, they are actually land or emersed plants. Typically what happens is you buy one of these, it lives for a month, then dies. Don't buy them, unless you are setting up a paludarium and want to keep their leaves above water. The main problem with identifying all the blacklisted plants is that they are mostly known by goofy trade names which vary from region-to-region... To make things worse, true aquatics are sometimes sold under one of these trade names as well, so it's best to know the plant's scientific name!

umbrella pine

ground pines/club mosses (Lycopodium)

aluminum plant (Pilea cadairei)

crinkle (Hemigraphis)

green hedge

underwater palm

spider plant (Chlorophytum)

Chinese evergreen

arrowhead -- either Syngonium (the houseplant) or a species of Sagittaria that doesn't do well submerged.

pongol sword

sandriana, green dragon plant (Dracena sanderana) -- tall corn-like stalk, dark green sword-like leaves with white edges.

mondo grass, fountain plant (Ophiopogon japonicus) -- Grassy, leaves in one plane.

Japanese rush (Acorus gramineus) -- looks like mondo.

Brazil sword, Borneo swords (Spathiphyllum sp.). S. wallisii may be suitable for submersion according to Rataj.

scarlet hygro/dragon flame/alligator weed (Alternanthera sessilis and other sp.) -- see stem plant listing as some varieties can be grown.


It was one of the first plants I bought. It lasted a few months submerged in my tank but it didn't grow at all and then eventually started to die. I would recommend skipping this plant as there are better aquarium plants out there.

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Like she said. They are actually closely related to that 'lucky bamboo' (also a Dracaena) that is sold everywhere, and make a good tropical/sub-tropical marginal, but only last 3-4 months immersed.

Another plant that I do not see on the list degrassi posted, but is often sold as an aquatic is the common lily.

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If you really want it, stick it in your HOB filter. Let the roots grow into the foam, or just fill the chamber 3/4 w. biomedia (ceramic rings, bioballs, lava rock, etc.) and let the roots grow in there - it's easier to remove the plant that way. If you're doing this, set up another filter to handle mechanical filtration, too.

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