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Concerning Hunters and Wildlife Photographers

Slough Shark

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For those who target Coyotes, Deer, or other skittish animals: What is your trick for getting close? I have somehow lost my skill at this and need it back!

Here is the closest I could get on the 2nd approach:


Optional Read-up:

Basically I was out taking my dog for a walk, coyote heard/smelt us let off a alarm howl, I grabbed a club swung it about screaming and it ran off. Of course I didn't want my dog killed so I watched it as it lay watching me as I walked back home. Once home, i dashed for the camera and was out the door within 30 seconds. I ran back to find the coyote, it took some searching as it had moved off, but it soon ran off again, and you can see the crappy pic that I got.

I did feel kind of good however, as I did scare it off a bit. I'd rather it be off somewhere else than on the outskirts of the city, I don't want anyone being mauled (or their pets) and I certainly don't want it "taken care of".

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Hey Taylor that's not a bad shot. What are you using for a camera & lenses? I used to use a Pentax SP1000 fully manual with a 300mm lens, a 2 power converter and 200 or 400 speed film to shoot wild life with. If I can find some of my photos from 25 years ago I will try and scan them for you to see. The trick is to beable to stay far enough away not to spook them, and have enough reach on your camera to do close ups.

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I have coyotes in my yard almost nightly. I have dogs and cats nothing ever seems to get mauled or go missing. I've never heard of a coyote mauling a human. I've seen my cattle dog and coyotes eat out of the same food dish in the yard. The dog growling and barring it's teeth on one side and the coyote returning the gesture on the other. Coyotes would rather avoid you than deal with you, you are lucky to have been that close, or to see him at all.

If you want to take pics of coyotes a good method is to call them in. Get a coyote call, they make a horrible wounded rabbit sound. Dress up in some camo and very quietly walk into an area of scrub brush and bush that gives good cover for yourself. Blow the call a few times and be ready. You probably will not hear them approach. They will just all of a sudden appear. The closest I've been using this method is 7 meters. I could hear him breathing.


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Patience. Find a spot, sit still, and wait. On our property we hunt and it's incredible to be so close to the animals. With blinds and tree stands you can hear the elk eating the grass. I've often thought I should have a camera with me. Also once had a coyote run along with us on the horses as if it were a dog. It was pretty neat.

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Wow! I'm really glad to see so many replies, all of them useful too!

Nick- I had no idea you shot wildlife! I have my Dad's old Pentax ME Super which I can't even remember the last time I used, but he took it with him to Africa and brought back some nice shots, so I expect it works well. I always use my Canon G5 not a DSLR, but it does the job. Usually I don't have time to change lenses, but if I do, I'll throw on the Wide Angle Zoom lens. I have been eyeing the Nikon D70 and other DSLRs but I will take my time to make a purchase on one of those.

Also I see that many wildlife photographers still use 35 mm cameras, I don't know why, but that may be something for me to look into! As for the info, well, that's basically what I've been trying to do, it's just that my dang camera doesn't have enough zoom! Maybe I'm imagining "loosing my skill" this could just be one of the more skittish animals I've tried for. Advice appreciated!

bosshog- We get the nightly Coyotes too. Could have something to do with geography and our different ecosystems, but at my Grandparents' farm, they are constantly losing cats and lost all of their chickens to coyotes and foxes. The only reason I talked of coyotes mauling people was because I don't know about this coyote. If people are feeding it, it is likely to attack children, I have read up on this (I did so the moment I decided to photograph this beautiful animal). I have seen the farm dogs eat with foxes and coyotes too, I guess it does sort of make sense, if they bred, they might as well sit at the same table right?

How do I go about getting a coyote call? Should I sneak up to it with a recorder? Can I grab one off the net? 7 metres is something! I'd like that very much! Thanyou for tips!!!

Fishnut- This strategy was known to me, but it takes so long and with this coyote being nocturnal, I could have a heck of a time getting it to come to me by waiting, unless I used that coyote call that bosshog mentioned. It is so amazing to get really close to them! Unless they are dangerous like moose, which can get a little edgey, I got charged by a moose in Cypress Hills (Sask. side) and since the moose didn't kill me, my dad did for being so careless.

I have seen the coyotes on the farm watching the Collie's herding cows, its pretty cool! I was thinking about buying or making a blind for photography, might actually do it, but I'd hate to surprise the coyote into a biting mood! Thanks for the ideas!

Thanks all for the input, I will put it to use maybe Monday or Tuesday after school, I have noticed one I disturb it (from sleeping), it doesn't feel safe in that place for a few days.

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Ok here are a few of my Shots, just do show you my standard, and to show you why I am not at all content with that blurred shot of the Coyote :lol:

This one took me a bit of tracking :hey:


Not at all an easy shot to get:


This one took some patience:


This guy was tough to keep still, I scrapped alot of time trying to get a good one:


An lastly, three great kings, soon to be fighting one another for a chance with the ladies:


There, a taste of my shots. Some of them are lacking in multiple departments, other I am very proud of! Please enjoy :bow:

Edited by Slough Shark
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Very nice shots Taylor

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Those are some great shots, especially of the bat. Wow I have never seen a decent non-professional shot of a bat like that.

As for the coyotes I usually don't know how to take their pictures. In many cases I would rather have them shot. But I do know that the pack will often send a scout out especially if a dog is around and have the dog chase only to get surrounded by the pack later and killed. It almost happened to my dog if I hadn't got out there to call it back. But I'm with Bosshog as I have never seen or heard of them attacking a human. Even the rash of coyote attacks last year in calgary, I don't think they attacked a human.

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Thanks for compliments everyone!

maniac- I'm not saying it's a common thing, it's just that I'm going to be careful around the animal. I know that if I corner it, it's instinct will be to attack, so I will watch that I don't corner it :rolleyes: I hear ya about the dogs though, that's the whole reason how I foud the thing, walking my dogs. My Black Lab could have kicked its @$$ (80 lbs vs. 40 lbs, easy fight I must say, plus I'd throw in a few kicks to the chest here and there :lol: ) but I was quite worried for my Yorkie, who is quite the little rodent ripper, but I'm afraid I have seen rabbits areound my place at least 2X the size of her. She would have been a morcel.

Again thanks for the compliments!


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