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Betta pictures


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Wow amazing pictures I wish I could do that good. Are you a professional photographer?

Thanks :)

Professional? No, it's just a hobby. If there was a market for fish fotography then I would consider taking it further than just hobby :D

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Thanks, Slough ..... I am seriously thinking about going into the wild types.. I find the betta family of fish to be my favorite trying to keep my hobby focused on them, so its very possible that I will be ordering some wilds to breed here for the public in the near future, but before I do I really need an R/O unit... the water quality in my home is not the greatest for breeding betta's... So, I have to lug home gals and gals of water every week..

I am trying to convince Patrick to order me one! So, I can get into wilds as well...

My fry as you can see, are almost ready to sell... they are growing up with a rainbow of colors as you can see from the photo's... mostly blue with red, I can't wait until i see them fully colored up... not one looks they same btw... so there will be an enormous amount of choices if anyone is interested :thumbs:

I will be posting them up for sale here prob, December I was hoping November end but alot of them are still rather small, trying to get them growing a wee bit faster...

I have already put 4 in jars, only 74 more jars to fill :boxed: So, they will need to go fast ... lol

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Sheesh that's a few more to go!! Once the weather gets crappier I can get to work, then I will be looking at ordering from Atison again, today's purchases (light fixture, filters, driftwood) set me back quite a bit.

So let me know if/when you are thinking of setting up an order, I have my eyes set on either the imbellis or smaragdina.

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Sheesh that's a few more to go!! Once the weather gets crappier I can get to work, then I will be looking at ordering from Atison again, today's purchases (light fixture, filters, driftwood) set me back quite a bit.

So let me know if/when you are thinking of setting up an order, I have my eyes set on either the imbellis or smaragdina.

Yep me too, it won't be until after Christmas for sure, I am shooting for the spring, thats aways to go yet. I'll certainly let you know for sure :thumbs:

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