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Ouch . Any Ideas on treating this .


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Been watching this for a bit now. Fish is healthy and growing.

But growing in more ways than one .

Please tell me what you all think.




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Not sure, but definitely increase the frequency and amount of water changes. Pristine water will help the fish stay strong and recover on its own if it can.

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Not sure, but definitely increase the frequency and amount of water changes. Pristine water will help the fish stay strong and recover on its own if it can.

Well this fish lives in a 240 gal tank which gets a 50% water change once a week. Before I set this tank up and when I frist notice this it was very red and ugly. Placed her in a 70 gal and treated her for a week . It was looking better so place her in the 240 with the rest of the group when I set it up. It has grown a bit , but is not red and inflamed like it was . If you think More water Changes are needed, more than 50% per week , please let me know. I love this tank and this group of fish and will do what ever for them. Is there not a Fish VET in Alberta...lol

Please let me know what you think.


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any red "threads" hanging out!? The first thing that popped in my head was camallanus. I had an apisto that had camallanus and started like that and worms started coming out. Keep an eye on it. If it is camallanuse...use some levamisole hcl.


Looks exactly like callamanus to me too watch for red worms hanging out

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