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some bad news i think


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ive just been looking at one of my tanks and noticed one of my peacocks has a swollen red protruding anus

im really kinda freaked out ive never had sick fish and have alot of money put into my fish i dont want to lose him or worse

a bunch of them also my fish are flashing lots on the rocks. ive been talking with a buddy about it but was wondering if anyone has any ideas

i have one 265 gallon tank and a 230 gallon would like to keep them all alive PLEASE HELP LOL im kinda scared

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One of the easiest things you can do is increase your water changes--both the frequency and the amount changed. A clean environment will help boost your fish's natural ability to fight disease, parasites, etc. Extra water changes will also ensure you're eliminating any water quality issues (if any exist).

Flashing can be a sign of a lot of things--ich (even if no spots are visible), gill flukes, irritated gills (ie, from ammonia or nitrite poisoning), etc. Fish might flash from internal parasites or other internal discomfort too (such as bacterial infection in the digestive tract).

I'm not specifically familiar with swollen/protruding anus so someone else will have to comment. But it would be helpful to know if you've made any changes in your tanks recently: new fish? recently rescaped? new diet? etc.

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thanks alot i do do water changes every 3 days i take very good care of my tanks so im pretty sure its not from that but i got some clout from a friend and i might try that ive kept fish for a few years and never had problems but i did get a few new fish and never quaritianed them so mabye i got something there but thanks for the info on this if this clout dont work ill try antibiatics

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ok im done with this site ban me for my god dam punctuation i dont know were to put them sorry i cant write proper but ever since i got on this site ive had people make me feel bad about my self and make me feel like your all better then me the only people i ever want to talk to i allready talk too and they have no problem reading my threads so please dont everpost on my threads if you are having trouble reading them then i dont need your help and if i get band for this thats ok

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One of the possibilities for red swollen vents are Camallanus worms. There are a number of pictures at this site: http://www.google.com/images?q=camallanus+worm&um=1&ie=UTF-8&source=univ&ei=dFDUS8OCMZTWtgPzndXqCQ&sa=X&oi=image_result_group&ct=title&resnum=4&ved=0CCAQsAQwAw

I hope that that isn't your problem!

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I cannot help with the fish but I may be able to help with the punctuation. As a community we are here to help each other when ever possible, offering whatever assistance we can, no matter the cause - fish or not.

If you are reading your post out loud to yourself and you pause for a breath then that can indicate where a period goes. An exception would be if you have a really, really long sentence... in which case you may need to take three breaths before finishing it! Something as simple as a few periods can really clear up a lot about your post, and will help to get your message out. No one expects you to master the subtlety of the semi-colon overnight, so start with the basics and work your way up.

Punctuation is a rather important element in written word as it helps to organize your text, and express yourself to the reader. Posting without it can confuse people and may lead to misunderstandings. When you read your own post back it makes far more sense to you because you wrote it... you know what you meant, and where the natural breaks in the structure are for you. The trouble lies in that the rest of the world has to sit and decipher it - and sometimes we may get it all wrong.

As we are a forum - a media of written text - an effort to clearly communicate becomes rather important. In everyday activities out in the real world I'm sure it's been fine to skate by on limited literacy skills, and you've made up for it in other ways but on here - this is what we 'do'. We write. We communicate though this writing, and it needs to be to a certain limited standard in order to be effective.

No one is trying to make you feel bad here... Kronosdelsol made a response that was a mild, helpful suggestion, and I am trying to explain further why this is considered to be important and why you may wish to put a little effort into helping us to understand you better. It's not a simple matter of not responding to your posts if we are unable to read them; that is not the solution.

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Yeah well alot of ppl pm him criticizing his grammar spelling punctuation whatever, its not like hes trying to type like a douche, I just think he got tired of ppl saying stuff to him. He is not allowed on buy and sell for 6 mnths because of complaints aginst his typing. I understand if he is a lil jaded

Edited by JLake
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Yeah well alot of ppl pm him criticizing his grammar spelling punctuation whatever, its not like hes trying to type like a douche, I just think he got tired of ppl saying stuff to him. He is not allowed on buy and sell for 6 mnths because of complaints aginst his typing. I understand if he is a lil jaded

People don't get banned from the buy/sell forum for poor punctuation/grammar.

If you don't see any worms coming out of the fish's anus, then it's likely not Camallanus worms. It could be something as simple as a hernia - I've seen it often, especially when fish eat snails and try to pass the shell. It often fixes itself. You can try feeding frozen peas to help the digestive tract - I usually shell them as I put them in the tank. Epsom salts are also a laxitive - adding 1tsp per 10gal is fine.

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