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Trying To Breed Dwarf Gourami's


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Hi there everyone,

I thought I would share my latest efforts (or soon to be attempted efforts). In my 75 gallon planted community tank I have 5 Dwarf Gourami's. It looks like two males and three females. Lately the two males have been building bubble nests on either side of the tank (It's starting to look like "keeping up with the Jones's!" One Gourami builds a nest, the other builds a bigger one. . .seeing this, the first adds on to his home thus making it bigger and back and forth.)

So, I've decided to try and breed them properly. I love these fish, one of my favourites in fact.

Here's my plan (I'm hoping for feedback from anybody who has been successful with Gourami's)

- Fill an empty 10 gallon to 4-6" of water, heat it to around 84-86F, add in a lot of floating plants and leave the bottom bare.

- Drop in the hopeful papa and let him build his nest

- Add one female in a clear glass jar (obviously with water) and put the jar in the tank. Let them "check each other out" for a while. After an hour or so, release her in to the tank.

- If all goes according to plan, they'll do their cuddling thing. . . and she'll release her eggs. At which time, I remove her from that tank and let Daddy round them all up. I've read that I could introduce a new female at this point and try and get more eggs. Or I could just try it out with one for now. . .I'm undecided.

- Then it seems the male will cover the eggs up and in 3 days (or so) the fry will leave the nest, at which time I can remove the male and start caring for the young.

That's my game plan, will it work? Who knows. . .

If anybody has had a successful experience with breeding these beautiful fish, I would love to hear from you.

Thanks everyone.

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I would work with one pair at a time...also make sure you have enough small food for the fry...they're really small!

Very good tip! Thank you.

Last night I started some infusoria cultures (I've heard that was the best to feed the fry for the first week or so). I can't say I've ever grown that stuff before, so we'll see how it turns out.

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Thanks for the tips everyone. I've introduced the Male to the new tank tonight ....he doesn't seem too thrilled about it. I'm going to let him spend the night in there tonight and see how he's doing in the morning. If he continues to be visually unhappy I'll reintroduce him to the community tank and shelf the project for a while.

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Well that ended that. I came down this morning and the poor guy was huddled in a corner of the tank not looking overly happily at all. As soon as I turned on the light he darted around the tank banging in to the walls and everything else.

So he his now comfortably back home in the 75G

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