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Greetings From A Newbie


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Hi all, I am a new fish owner. I currently live in the Drumheller area and just wanted to say hi to the group. I say new because other than a betta my son had about 5 years ago I haven't had a tank in 20 years. Back then I was only going off what the previous owner of the fish/tank taught me (and he only had a couple years experience). I am also new because previously I had tropical fish where now I have goldfish.

My goldfish are rescues from a pond that I wasn't really prepared for. I was expecting 2 or 3 babies that couldn't be caught the day they were getting sent to their winter home. I was going to put them in a smaller tank I already owned temporarily until we could get a tank big enough for them. Instead I got 11 of which most died within the first few hours. Then a couple months later in November I was surprised again when we rescued a nearly dead (and frozen) 8" goldfish from the same pond. That pond was almost fully drained and completely emptied of plants in Sept so no one can figure out where the heck a goldfish that size (and an almost iridescent bright white in colour with a couple of bright orange spots) was hiding in that small of a pond. We found it floating on its side partially on top of the ice where it had sat for at least 3 days as everyone thought a fish found sitting mostly on ice was dead.

The small fish were doing well by this point in a smaller tank but it really needed filtration as water changes were needed really frequently. Once we got the larger fish and he lived a couple days (seemed like a full recovery just over the first night) and the entire family fell in love with the crazy survivor we decided to order a larger tank and keep it as an indoor fish. That tank took a few weeks to arrive.

I've now had the 55 gallon tank for about 6 weeks and it is finally starting to get established to where the water conditions are pretty healthy. As the temporary rubbermaids were not at all "established" or even filtered (and big risk for them jumping out) I put all my remaining fish in the new tank immediately as it was a better/safer environment. That was the first time I was establishing a new tank with live fish and I don't want to do that ever again :)

The big fish has already grown to around 8.5" and the 1" fish is probably closer to 2.5" inches now. I have a third fish who is in an in-tank isolation box as he was attacked and has almost no fins left. It would have been around 1.75" long. Other than missing fins it is behaving normally and actually swims really well so I hang on to hope that this little guy makes it. It's been almost a week with no signs of it getting worse although I'm not seeing any regrowth of the fins yet either - the tail fin might be too far gone for any recovery from what I read online. The back edge where the fins should be starting is just a white band.

Edited by signet_planet
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