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Amazon swords


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Hi all, I am fairly new to plants and I have an Amazon Sword that has smaller plants growing off of its sword part. I am wondering how to remove them so they can be planted in the substrate? I have about 3 babies growing off one sword and they all have roots hanging from them. I am unsure how to remove them as I don't want to injure the main plant. Any pro out there with some advice?

Thanks in advance! D

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I hoped someone experienced with this species would answer ... I have Ceratopteris thalictroides in my tank, that propagates the same way, so I would assume the same technique applies ...

It propagates very easily by developing "babies" on the outer margins of it's leaves. Once the roots are developed, the young plants can be gently pulled off the parent leaf although they often come off on their own. Then, you can either leave them floating, till they further mature, or plant them immediately if they have enough root mass to stay anchored in the substrate.

Hope this helps ...

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DAlberta, if the plantlets are growing on off the leaves of your 'sword', it's not a sword plant, but a fern of some sort. Swords are vascular plants.

If the plantlets are growing off a flower spike, then you have a true sword.

Either way, wait for the roots on the plantlet to grow to about 1" or so, then just pluck it off. It's that simple.

Insidentally, I've seen Java Fern sold as Amazon Sword.

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It is definitely an Amazon sword, and yes, the babies are on the "shoot" or sword part of the plant. The roots on the babies are anout 1 1/2 inches long...I was just worried about damaging the plant...was unsure whether to pluck the babies off or if they came off on their own. Thanks for the replies! :beer:

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Yeah I'm with jvision, sounds like a fern. Take a picture (if possible).

For ferns, I leave them and eventually they'll pop off and float around and probably get sucked in by the filter. If it is a fern, you can pull it off and replant it.

If it is a sword I would probably leave it until it got big enough.


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