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Everything posted by BigA

  1. Does it matter who I take out? The female or the male? What if separating them is not an option? Is it then time to look for a new partner?
  2. Well, my newest batch of krib fry have been free sweiiming for about two weeks now and I think mom and pop are ready for a divorce. At first, mom woudn't let dad anywhere near the babies and he sat on the other side of the tank and sulked. They seemed to reconcile for a little bit about the middle of last week, but over the weekend the opposite transpired. Now daddy is guarding the kids and mom is hiding in the plants on the other side of that tank. This never happened before with the other batches of fry, although there were less fry, and I'm not sure what to do. Is this a permanent divorce? Or will a reconciliation happen?
  3. This is kinda an off the wall suggestion, as I have never kept hatchets, but what about a layer of "egg crate" type material over the feeding area? The egg crate holes are big enough to allow food to pass through to the tank, and should be small enough to keep the hatchets on the inside, as they are a deep bodied fish. Just a thought.....
  4. Hi Everyone, I was just wondering anyone had heard of or kept Symphysodon tarzoo, also known as the red spot discus, and if they are available to purchase in AB. I just know that it's a new discus species, but would like to find out more. Thanks for all your help!!!
  5. BigA

    Custom glass

    YW! Good luck on the search!!
  6. BigA


    Welcome!!! Try west african cichlids. They don't get very large, are extremely colourful, and if done as a biotope, the tank will have a bunch of unusual fish on display as well. Have fun with whatever you choose!!!!
  7. Congrats!!!! More BAP points for you!!!!! :thumbs:
  8. BigA

    Custom glass

    I know that you're in Airdrie, but have you checked out aquagiant in edmonton? They do a lot of custom tanks and tanks in very odd shapes as well. www.aquagiant.com
  9. It won't because there is no way for air to get in. The vacuum that is created be the water moving down to fill those feeder holes is strong enough to hold it all in. If there was a crack or it wasn't sealed properly, you'd better get out the shop-vac cause everything will be soaked. It's very cool though. My wife would kill me if I wanted to build something like that...lol!
  10. I think it varies according to everything from budget to availabe space to what kind of tank it's for, to whatever you have available to use as a sump. Obviously the bigger the sump, the better as it increases the total amount of water in the system, and therefore makes the system less vulnerable to temperature and chemistry changes. I've seen a 50gal tank with a 30 gal sump, but I've also seen a 65g with a 10g sump.
  11. Also, the High fin banded shark would make an excellent addition to a pond.......
  12. I would use the 2217 and 1 of the AC's as a secondary filter. That way you can alternate cleaning of them as well.
  13. No I didn't talk to him. I think I'll give him a shout through email. Thanks for pointing him out.
  14. Ya, I'll be there. Talk to you then.
  15. Not sure if this would work, but what about some 3/8" or 1/4" MDF??? It's fairly sturdy and has a nice finish when painted. Not sure if you could waterproof it though....
  16. Do you remember who it was? My tank wasn't ready at the time of the auction, so I didn't bid on them.
  17. ok. Thanks Nick. I already have her separated. Just good to get confirmation.
  18. Hey everyone! Just wondering if there are any people out there breeding Discus. Not entirely sure if I should order online or pick up some from LFS. I would prefer to get 3-5 from someone locally if possible. By locally I mean in the province. Can anyone give me some info on this or if they have any juvie discus to sell?
  19. I have a tiger platy who is very very plump as well. Should I seperate her? How will I know when she is ready to pop?
  20. Maybe a parasite was introduced when the emperors were put in the tank? And it spread to some of the other fish before the tetras all died?
  21. I got home from work yesterday and had a peek in my tank, saw what I thought was leftover food floating just above the sand base and thought, eeewwwwwww. I'd better clean it up. Upon closer inspection, it turns out my kribs had fry again!!!!!!! I tried to count, but gave up at fifty. Not sure if I have enough room to grow out that many though. Hopefully pics to follow.
  22. I have 1 L81 Baryancistrus, and 2 Synodontis petricola.
  23. Currently breeding: 1) Pelvachromis pulcher (Kribs) 2) Xiphophorus maculatus (Tiger Stripe Platy)
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