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Everything posted by cichlidkid

  1. This is pita, she is a mali uromastyx, 9 months old tomorrow. she snorts sometimes and is the most adorable lizard in the world. she is only 10 inches long from head to tip of tail
  2. another good shot, this is of the male
  3. ok this is the female, I was amazed at the color in this shot.
  4. ok here is an update. they arnt swimming with each other as much but the female deffenently beats this buy up less. and now for some pics (I got new lights and added some driftwood so the colors are gonna be different)
  5. ac's are great I use them on all my tanks. and yes golds is the best, so are ac 500's they are much cheaper and do just as good a job imo
  6. festivums like groups or pairs, they get about 5 inches and need a tall aquarium. yes dwarf cichlids would work just fine
  7. yes welcome this sure is a great site, lots of information. and we love it when store people join, get to find out nice and early about new fish arrivals.
  8. yea they are good. you need a screen or something just to prevent things fron getting down there. if you dont have filteraton down there all it does is blow the crap arround though. so I took mine out. I was thinking of re seting it up if I get the 270 gallon. I would also have a bunch of reverse jets (sucking) with some mesh over it . but instead of hooking up the reverse jets to a powerhead I would hook them up to a skimmerless overflow, this would provide suction of about 300 gph/ per reverse jet head
  9. could you put an oscar, female green texas, green terror, female convict and firemouth and pleco in a 150 gallon aquarium turning over its volume 12 times per hour? also could you stick a turtle in with an oscar.
  10. festivum, rams, keyholes, riverfront has some wild festivum I do believe
  11. aw tim sorry to hear that which umbee was it? didnt you have 2 females?
  12. free water tests at petland or petsmart
  13. is it normal for a convict that is 1 cm and 1 month and 18 days old to be displaying this much color? I mean his mom is the most beautifull convict I have ever seen but to have this much color at that size???? lol maybe im just lucky :thumbs:
  14. these 2 have been hanging around each other a bit, more than usual. ooh I so hope they are a pair, arnt they great? amazing color and only 3.5 inches!!!! BTW these where my wild caughts from riverfront oh jfyi the female is on the bottom one.
  15. you want some fish that are more ornamental. I would go with 2 blue rams. 1 really nice angel and 2 festivums. festivum are really hard to find but I do believe they have some at riverfront. they are expensive but well worth it. I would get a calico angel (I think they have a really nice one at chums) this is the best setup, trust me as none of these fish really need footprint to speed really quickly and they are very ornamental and wont stick to the bottom of the tank. please dont stick in convicts and such, that would be a waste of what could be a beautifull planted ornamental tank.
  16. ooh do tell... what will you be bringing? btw I usualy just go to petland and ask for some bags. my friend usedto work there but he got fired. or as he says he "quit"
  17. lol hemi you should its gorgeous. those pics make it look 1/9 as god as it is. I should have brought my reall good camera so I could get some pics to show the true beauty of these fish. the Red Bifasciatum looks good in the picture but you should see it in real life. and its up for sale :hey:
  18. yes they also need room to climb. beardies feel safer nd better at higher hights. if you want a really cool dessert lizard look at a uromastyx. I have one named pita and she is the cutest thing. they have spiky tails and a personality that matches that of a beardie. I could give you pics if you want. the thing about uros is they dont need a high perch. they are also smaller so you can have a thinner tank. imo you could put a uro in a 55 gallon tank alot of the pictures on the net make uros look crappy here is a picture that acuratly represents one
  19. whas that that litle 6 inch?? holy maceral (or holy umbee) your lucky to have such a sweet fish. im sorry to hear about the jag. i was looking foreward to seeing him. could a female umbee go in a 240 wide with a festae pair? if the festae pair was only 10 inches and the umbee 11?
  20. im interested in grammodes. how big do they get? are they pretty? do they really stand up to the name "mini dovii"? where can I get some. what grows bigger, mini dovii or mini umbee? what is prettier? so tim never had either? or are you just trying to make me do reaserch on my own? the mini umbee is istlanum fyi
  21. that is like the chance of a cooked lobster serviving in the same room as be after a weekend of snowboarding. :drool:
  22. oh yea and I forgot to mention that majestic has the nicest, most beautifull stands you will see.... anywhere..... period.
  23. hey welcome. :welcome: yea all those fish shops are good. dont go for the africans. neo's All THE way. if you need drygoods pices has the bes stock golds has really good livestock as does riverfront chums are the nicest store owners you will meet for a 180 you should go with a female festae (golds has some great looking ones and riverfront has some wild caughts) a texas cichlid/green terror (they have some true terrors at riverfront), salvini (I got one I would give to you for 5 bucks) a pair of convicts (white male and striped female) and something else. this would be a very colorfull, pretty, interactive tank trust me, if you dont mind large beautifull fish you will love this tank. dont go with the africans they will steal your soul just ask canucklehead :boxed:
  24. is there such thing as a lemon texas cichlid? I saw a yellow, blue eyed texas in the red texas tank at riverfront what is this? its sorta cute but looks nothing like its spangled sibblings. cld ya tell me what it is? if its rare I get first dibbs though
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