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Fish Dude

Central Alberta Member
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Everything posted by Fish Dude

  1. I have an HBO filter, I was wondering what kind of inserts to use. Im pretty sure I need a sponge, but I have no idea what other ones to use. I dont even know how many different types there are. Help is much appreciated, Thanks
  2. Hi, im getting back into the fish hobby, but unfortuanatley I remember almost nothing about it, so could you help please? I have a 20g tank that has just been cleaned. I am hoping to get some tetras (freshwater), and thats about it. Basically, how do i do the fish thing. I only have assorted equipment, a filter with ammonia, sponge and charcol (should i use other filter inserts?). I have chlorine remover, and some cycle. I also have some aquarium salt and some fake plants (should i use real ones?). And food, what kind should I use? I have some algea flake, flake food for tropical fish, pellet food for tropical fish, micro granules for small tropical fish, and some freeze dreid blood worms. Lastly, how do you cycle a tank? I really have no idea how to start this, so could you guys please help me? Thanks
  3. Fish Dude


    :welcome: :welcome: :welcome:
  4. Fish Dude

    My Fish

    :welcome: There are lots of great people here
  5. Welcome to the site Very nice people here :welcome:
  6. Thanks for all the help. My pond is below ground. Thanks, Zach
  7. I posted a topic in the water cooler called "Do You Have A Dog", and asked for e-mail notifacation. This morning, I woke up with 19 emails all telling me that somebody posted in the topic. This has never happened before, it even says on the e-mail that it only sends one e-mail per topic if somebody posts (in between visits to AA). What is going on? Could the fact that i have the subscriptions on "immediate e-mail notifacation" have anything to do with it? Confused
  8. Thats terrible, I hate animals that are kept like that. Please alert somebody :cry:
  9. Fish Dude

    Hello All

    :welcome: Hello, Welcome to the site You should check out the Breeding forum for those Clown Plecos (no idea what they are) sound nice though Zach
  10. How Large of a tank? :well: What Auction? :well: He (or she) is actually a hybrid, so that might affect her growing? :well:
  11. So let me see if I've got this right. 1. You can get compact type box filters at Wall-Mart 2. I should get Comets (a variety of Goldfish) 3. I don't need to feed them 4. I should just get plants and then repot them 5. Fish will take care of mosquitos Is it a good idea to have a sprinkler in the pond with the fish? What are some dangers to the fish (if any) Thanks, Zach :thumbs:
  12. Thanks for the info, and the offer. I only have a 20 Gallon right now, so I won't be able to get them. But thank you very much for the offer. if i get a bigger tank, do you think that i could get two convicts, and put them in with my Cobalt Zebra (Metricila Callinos Hybrid) and still get them to mate? How big of a tank would it have to be? Zach
  13. Hello, I am completely new to fish , and i was just wondering what convicts and comets are? Thanks, Zach
  14. Hey, I have a 20 Gal with (unfortunatley) no real plants. I only have a lonly Cobalt Zebra (Metriclima Callainos) about 2 1/2 to 3 inches long. Any ideas what to put in it, and where to buy them from in Red Deer. Zach
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