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Southern Alberta Member
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Everything posted by ABwildrose

  1. I have a major aggression problem that suddenly erupted in my tank...over the past week or so (2 fish dead and 2 hiding/not eating). I am trying to find the culprit and fix the problem. I have a 77 gal tank with 4 acei (1 holding), 4 yellow labs (1 hides in the top corner), 1m and 1 f msobo deep (newest additions...I got them end of Mar), 4 yellow rock kribs (2m,2f...1 f hides in the top corner), 3 syn petricolas. My demasoni has completely disappeared and 1 m msobo deep was killed...shortly after he started showing male colors. My best guess would be the male msobo or the dom m rock krib as the aggressors. I havent seen any chasing or bullying except between the 2 male rock kribs...they really scrap badly and I need to get rid of one of them very soon. Do I get rid of the dominant male rock krib or the other one? My f rock krib has taken to hiding bihind the heater and has stopped eating..could I put her in a breeders net in the tank? or would that even work. Do I have too many fish in the tank...or not enough?
  2. another beautiful tank!! you do a great job with aquascaping.
  3. wow...that is a cute bunch you got there. I love that turtle especially. I bet if you ever had questions about him, Toirtis could give you advice.
  4. lmao...I was trying to think of a way to sneak him out..he is too hyper to stick under my coat.
  5. awww..they are awesome kids....very well mannered/well trained too I was impressed with them...I wish my dog was as well behaved as them.
  6. ABwildrose


    Bobbys makes the best dollar fries in town....by far. It is just a block over from the arena. We usually spend a lot of time over at 40 mile...if we ever get our old shack fixed up out there....you will have to stop by for a drink or something to take a break from fishing.
  7. Hi Oxquo...it is very nice to see you here. You will probably have tons of good info and advice for people. I know you have helped me immensly already.
  8. I love your german ram...very pretty fish. Your zebra loach is cute too..I have 4 of them myself and they are amoung my favorites.
  9. ABwildrose


    Hi Crusher...I live close to you...in Bow Island. I have been in this hobby a little over a year too. Welcome to the group.
  10. This tank is very nice too....I wish I could figure out how to get my cichlid tank looking good. You have a very good eye for aquascaping.
  11. I have 4 rock kribs, 4 ps acei itungi, 4 yellow labs, 3 msobo, 1 demasoni, and 3 syn petricolas
  12. I am not too good at explaining things but I hope this helps. It has been a while since I had to do this so I cant remember exactly what I did...but here goes. When I first started it up, I took a black bulb thingy that is used to prime the output spraybar. You put the end into the spraybar and squeeze the bulb a few times to get suction going and the canister fills up. Then you plug it in and it starts working. After this initial priming, you don't have to do it again. When doing water changes you just hook the hoses back up and listen til the canister has finished and then plug it in.
  13. Hi, I have been lurking for a bit ...waiting to join when I had something to say. I couldn't let this tank pic go by without commenting on what an awsome tank you have
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