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Everything posted by BlackMumba

  1. Keep doing what your doing with water changes, she might be weak from the experience. She isn't refusing the food thats a good sign if she starts to refuse food then that could be a problem. Try some frozen brine shrimp, its a favorite and easier to eat then blood worms...
  2. These guys are about 1 1/2 week old. :thumbs:
  3. Oh cool, if free swimming leave the male out then.. start them on microworms and see what happens :thumbs: Good Luck !
  4. Oh, dear... put the male back in with those eggs he will need to help them grow, also because the male will put the eggs in his mouth to wash them... and replace back into the nest, sometimes moving the entire nest to a better position. Well, one thing to know even use experienced folks do the same thing... I know I have had my oops I didn't know moments... If nothing happens this batch, try again this time you will be more prepared.
  5. They are doing great, the first batch actually didn't make it, now I have a second batch up to over 50min at least... I will have to take some photo's! :thumbs:
  6. Saprolegnia - Cotton wool Fungus What I would do, and always have on hand is Kana Plex Seachem product... this treats many Fungal infections, as well bacterial infects tail and fin rot etc... I would continue to do frequent water changes, adding the salt... up the temp fungus does not like heat... I hope this helps, fungal infections are hard to get rid off but if you started treatment in time she should be okay...
  7. Your boy is inexperienced in the art of love! Sounds like they are both ready if she is allowing him to wrap around her but misses the boat so to speak. It's just a case of patience, he will get the hang of it eventually. Good luck! :thumbs:
  8. Welcome to the forum :thumbs:
  9. hahaha So Adorable !!! Love that grin ! :thumbs:
  10. Hi, and welcome to the forum... I am in Millet as well as Patrick there are few of us not sure how many are salty's but both Patrick and Myself are freshwater...
  11. Holy Moly!!!! have fun with that rack !! :thumbs:
  12. So, sorry to hear about your family member passing on... our condolence ontop of that your loss of your fish, that really suxs hard core! Sorry to hear all this happened.
  13. Water changes as your doing :thumbs: a antifungal medicine... use daily primafix or bettafix.. with the meds its harmless just use half the dose... up to 7 days. Good luck
  14. 20 to 30 congrats on the shrimplets :thumbs:
  15. lol thanks, DarkAngel.. I was scratching my head on that one!! Oh dopey me!
  16. Short finned betta's are Plakat's, these are very hard to tell between a female and a male. If they have long ventril fins and blowing bubblenest I would assume its male Plakat, but females do sometimes blow bubblenests just not as large. Imbellis, also look similar to Plakat, but different they have thicker scales and more metalliac. Their faces are also slicker more defined. The ONLY true way to know if its a male or a female, is by the white gravid spot under the ventrils... males sometimes have a faint one when young but females have a much larger one, also their tummy's are fuller. A picture would certainly help. Regards Chantal
  17. where is UBC ? and what grade are your shrimp? I would love to introduce some higher grade into my breeding colony... I have A thru C grade presently.
  18. Good luck, fingers are crossed for you :thumbs:
  19. So, sorry about your fish and cat... hopefully everyone else makes it
  20. I will bite. What is millet water? Millet is the town I live in... :thumbs: yanno that age ole saying there must be something in the water! LOL
  21. So, now my Black Crystals are reproducing like bunnies again, and low and behold I have Red Crystal shrimplets in my Black Crystal tank... Millet water is great!! :thumbs: its a fish's best friend! or Invert ! LOL
  22. Your very right DarkAngel, Betta's and gouramis are alot of work!! You have to have alot of patience, I don't know why people put it betta's are easy to breed when I look at it I say huh!! NO WAY!! For every betta I spawned, I put in many hours of committment and the water changes are killers... I don't make any profit from any of my betta's... it's actually a loss the only think I get from it is personal gradification because they are my passion.. :thumbs:
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