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Everything posted by shawntraviss

  1. Some are test pits to see if the area is same, and if its to theyre liking, after they spawn its becuase they move theyre fry
  2. These fish can survive off left overs and what ever algea they can get, that in no way means you shouldnt feed them, cuz they need enough food just like any other fish does, i have a 6" common pleco in my 65g's and i still have to feed it, just because the tanks clear of algea doesnt mean thats all the food they need
  3. No not really, the tanks always look horrible when i try taking full shots lol
  4. K i changed my mind, now i thinks its a Arapaima lol
  5. Or in my case, teeth, yep, and ouch :cry:
  6. Nice to see im not the only but case on here just kiddin
  7. Hujeta Flower Horn Hump head glass fish One of my exos
  8. I figured since its my first posting day id show off some of my fish. Enjoy and feel free to comment. New Fahaka Betta Synspilum
  9. Fryeri for sure, maybe a female tho, some have egg decoys too, just not as bright as males
  10. Id start right away, but you could get away with a week 7 days, prolly
  11. What about white cons? females are pretty, dwarfs cichlids of which there is many to choose, some rams, kribs or jewels ya ya i know theyre africans, umm a acara
  12. Those are impressive teeth i will admit, africans usually show teeth like that tho, SACA cichlids do have teeth but some times dont show, but theyre still there
  13. Maybe she has bloat?, i doubt shed be preggers if there is no male in there, which i didnt see mentioned in your post.
  14. Polypterus are awesome, right now i have a ornate, two sengalus, and a rope fish
  15. Well if it was a wolf fish it was a Hoplias spec. and a ya some times stores mislabel stuff :rofl:
  16. They are cool fish, unfortunatly mine ate smaller fish lol
  17. You asked for info so here i am lol i love research Read Me they are cool looking, inactive fish, and are intollerent of other surface dwellers.
  18. Ok i got here to late, the one link didnt work and the other showed a tetra lol, are you sure its not a species of pacu? or a dent, thats a piranha, but more pacuish
  19. Polypterus hunt by smell as said, theyre eye sight is pretty bad, thats why when you feed them they lift theyre head and "sniff", so when he eats the gravel he thinks its food, watch and be sure he spits it out, if he doesnt get sand! lol
  20. Any one here in Ontario and can hook me up with snake heads? theyre a banned species here so i guess the one im keeping is a no no but i want more! :ph43r:
  21. As was said clowns do not eat algea, they eat wood and the bacteria that lives in it, common plecos seem to do the trick for algea or so ive found, seeing thats mostly what i have, when your pleco runs out of algea be sure to feed him algea pellets and green veggies, and if you dont have drift wood get some for your clown or he might not make it to old age.
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