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Everything posted by Froggie

  1. I wish I had the talent to do something like that. Very impressive!
  2. Actually, I just wanted to respond to this. While it's generally possible to keep most puffer fish’s beaks nice and trim with a proper diet, involving invertebrates with hard shells, filing them down is actually both a reasonable and common practice among those who keep them. I don't know that I've heard of using nail clippers however. And as far as the fish in this thread. I feel that they should all have been culled rather then put to sale.
  3. My first comment is to not screw that up by feeding them live food, and even staying away from frozen. Second is that that fish is awesome! :heart: I think I've gone nuts lately, everything I see I start to want :hey:
  4. Well, your dog isn't bad looking but you're definately no pretty lady! -roll- I feel cheated by this thread. :P
  5. Do me a huge favor and send me a copy of that sketch if you still have it around.
  6. Take very good care of that fish. They're rarely being collected now and are fetching prices well over a hundred and fifty dollers US each.
  7. Well, just for clarity. I shot them with the SB600 on a sync cord, with the head of the flash near the end of the lens at an angle. I used an omni-bounce and homemade bounce box to diffuse the light. I'm going to have to remake my box for the summer, it didn't provide nearly enough diffusion. I'd far prefer to shoot with ambient and just use the flash for fill but not much of an options when you're indoors.
  8. Oh yes! Flash was a must and they were shot at f/22.
  9. Nikon 105mm f/2.8D AF Micro. It does true 1:1 shots, which all of these were. Just for reference sake, this spider was about 1/4" long.
  10. I was lucky yesterday evening to find a small little spider while doing some work in my fishroom. I was thinking I'd have to wait until spring to take some insect shots with the macro lens I bought! To get an idea of just how small he was, this is a picture of him on the tip of my finger.
  11. Awesome video, now I want some! Where can I get these and what am I looking at? (I meant what am I looking at price-wise)
  12. I told her the same thing last night before she posted it! I am a fish-slut!
  13. No kidding! I found the female A. festae and Zonatum both stunning.
  14. Very cool, I wish I had an opportunity to go and photograph salt-water fish. Hell I wish I was keeping some salties at the moment.
  15. Performance enhancing drugs mostly, beer in particular. :beer:
  16. No you don't. What you want is a nice group of Tropheus!
  17. Now onto the second part of last nights fish shooting excursion! These discus were a fair bit bigger. The owner also had a very large spawning pair in their own tank that unfortunately proved a bit resistant to photographing. I'll also probably follow up and add a few more from this fellows place to the SAS site in a few days. I'm a bit discus'd out at the moment. :bang1: 150 gallon Discus Tank: Discus: Cheers!
  18. I do, it really draws attention to the fish and makes for quite the image.
  19. Actually, I'd disagree a bit. The challenge wasn't in exposing either of these fish It was having the light intensity high enough up and getting an even dispersion through the valsinaria that covered the surface. The discus were also very skitish, until he fed them some bloodworms they weren't out at all. You'll see in this next series I'm about to post, they're very similiar discus in a completely different tank... being the fellow I shot immediately after this one.
  20. Last night I had the opportunity to shoot pictures at two different hobbyiests houses. These pictures are from the first and I'll follow up with the others either this evening or tommorow. It was a bit of an off-night so I didn't get anything I'd consider particularly decent. His tank: Discus: Farlowella gracilis: Tetra: Enjoy!
  21. Other way around! He's been doing this for years longer then I have. Oh and quite a nice picture Nelson. Did you try to recover any of the shadows at all to get that convict in the background a bit brighter? Also, I think you could improve this shot if you tone down the rocks a bit in post processing. The one directly below the convicts isn't bad but the one on the left is a little distracting.
  22. How about the Julidochromis, Leleupi and getting a nice large group of Tropheus?
  23. Get yourself a nice batch of fry raised up and I'll get them off you! I haven't had a chance to keep the oce's yet. Good pictures.
  24. You know, I think we should just take over the site with Stingray propaganda. What do you think? Oh and very, very nice ray I'll be there in 6 hours, have it bagged up and ready to go please. :rofl:
  25. Well, I think there are a few complicating factors. Most of the serious incidents would be taking place in the jungle where access to proper medical treatment is limited, and the environment ensures a rapid infection. The rays doing the most damage would also be large adults, in the excess of 2ft in diameter so physically it’d be like getting hit by a whip with a nail in it.
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